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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. L

Laddy      It's like being kidnapped,held hostage and tortured,all legally.

ladonna Isabella   Newburgh, IN      This is so shocking, disgusting and barbaric.

Larissa Ruckstuhl   How is medical non-compliance a reason to enforce treatment on a person?if you say that you just Don't want the medication,why do people contribute to admitting them,"psycho-educate" people on meds,forcing them to take medication like only letting the person back on station from emergency room if they promise to take them

Larry Baxter   … He says he cannot think. He cannot read past one sentence. Look up the definition of uploading when it comes to medicine. That’s what they did to him. After his bladder scope, his bladder is scanned and he is still retaining urine so now another appointment is made three weeks on August 29 and he has to wear a Foley catheter for three more weeks with a bed getting soaked every night. Because he can’t think and he can’t remember the instructions about the catheter and changing it from a daytime catheter to a nighttime catheter he can’t do that so he gets frustrated and tries to pull the catheter out. I get a call from him at 8 o’clock 10 minutes after I get home from driving from Vinita. And driving to and from Tulsa to Vinita to take him to his appointment. I had just gotten home, unloaded the car, unpacked my suitcase from the night before, put on my gown, fix a bite to eat, and was going to sit down and eat and I get a call from him telling me everything that’s happened and he is so upset which makes me upset and so I have to make calls to where he lives and after four calls arrangements are made to take Jeff to the ER in Vinita. One more adverse effect that forced psychiatric drugging has done to my son. And it’s not helping his brain at all. He’s more delusional and paranoid than ever, he has false memories all the time. I wish psychiatry would just fall in a deep hole.    Barrie, ON, Canada  

Lars Christoffersen Hello. I have been part, of the psychiatric system, for some years now, and somehow, i cannot get them, to stop giving me injection, every 14'th day. They are forcing it on me, because i have a penalty for 5 years, after spitting after a psychiatrist. I feel, they gave it to me, to have more control over me. Do any of you have any suggestions, of what i can do, about it, or should i just accept it, and don't think about it anymore, because i really don't anyway, feel any effect, by them, giving it to me? I am just worried, because i have to take, it for so longtime, and that is what bothers me!
Lars Christoffersen  i want to say sorry to Daniel, who is controlling this group. Me and him, are on the same side. They are forcing me with a needle, every 14'th day, with chemicals which i do not want inside of me. If i don't want the medication, they will drive me directly to the facility, where i hate being. My situation is poor, because i live a place, where the others, seem more sick then i am. I don't like living here, because it reminds me of the facility. They forced me to live here, or else they would have kept, me for a longer time, in the other facility. Very difficult situation i am in right now, but i feel and believe things soon will begin changing, because they cannot keep on, having the kind of power over us, as they are currently having. The time is soon, over for them. I'm pretty sure it is!

Laura V Draiss    In April, three Albany police officers (Michael Mahany, Joshua Sears and Charles Skinkle) stopped a member of our community for having his hands in his sleeves. He was questioned, detained, and ultimately tased to death. That community member's name was Dontay Ivy—a father, and former Albany High athlete and honor student, who graduated from Virginia State University. Dontay had a history of heart problems and was living with schizophrenia. 
On Oct. 28th, after a sloppy 7 month investigation dragged out by an incompetent District Attorney's office, a grand jury chose not to levy any charges against the officers that killed Dontay. This has left members of Dontay's family and the community devastated. 

  Laura V Draiss    In April, three Albany police officers (Michael Mahany, Joshua Sears and Charles Skinkle) stopped a member of our community for having his hands in his sleeves. He was questioned, detained, and ultimately tased to death. That community member's name was Dontay Ivy—a father, and former Albany High athlete and honor student, who graduated from Virginia State University. Dontay had a history of heart problems and was living with schizophrenia. 
On Oct. 28th, after a sloppy 7 month investigation dragged out by an incompetent District Attorney's office, a grand jury chose not to levy any charges against the officers that killed Dontay. This has left members of Dontay's family and the community devastated. 
When Dontay was originally taken from us, over 200 people came out to protest his murder. This Friday, we will be back in the streets demanding justice for one of our own. 
Join us as we demand the termination of all three officers, the end of the use of tasers by APD, and the immediate resignation of DA Soares. 
We demand Justice for Dontay! 

Laurie C Parker next month i see my Dr. I am feeling so sick from what i assume is Clozaril. I am on 600mg per day. When i get up around 2.30pm most days i just feel so sick, i have no energy. Its hard to be motivated to go to the gym, but i do every day during the week. Its ironic that these drugs are meant to help people cope and live a normal life, but thats just not possible for me. I never used to feel this bad. I can hardly eat even though i am hungry. I hope he might put me on something else or reduce the dose. My stomach feels awful
Laurie C Parker   It seems supporters of psychiatry is rife. It is hard to change people's opinions on it. They are perhaps more brainwashed than those that have experienced it. They are living with a delusion themselves, that we are in the best place for us. That we are dangerous or somehow not worthy of being alive. It sad and once that srigmatism has taken effect we are the mindless. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
Laurie C Parker   in the plastic rooms, far removed from wombs, in dining halls with rubber walls, inside a system, removed from time, the endless pain, the torture, and want to dance in blue rain, from psychic to psychotic, chemicals, broken skulls, bad posture. No life , no death, no love no money, with other ways of currancy. Abuse is authority and that is there fun, their game, their power their regin 
Laurie C Parker    Why is it you have more rights in taking a pair of shoes back to a shop, than in complaining about your treatment in a psychiatric hospital?

LavenderSage      I’m sure psychiatrists would have a huge problem with it if I told them.
And where do they get off asking about spirituality anyway? What’s between you and your God is nobody else’s business! Answer that type of question with a question of your own: Do you let anybody butt in between you and *your* God? Or are your spiritual beliefs nobody’s business but your own?
The level of entitlement to even ask such questions!!

  Lawrence Stevens,   Thinking about suicide is commonplace.  In his book Suicide, published in 1988, Earl A. Grollman says "Almost everybody at one time or another contemplates suicide" (Second Edition, Beacon Press, p. 2).  In his book Suicide: The Forever Decision, published in 1987, psychologist Paul G. Quinnett, Ph.D., says "Research has shown that a substantial majority of people have considered suicide at one time in their lives, and I mean considered it seriously" (Continuum, p. 12).  Nevertheless, thinking about suicide is generally speaking frowned upon and by itself is enough to result in involuntary "hospitalization" and so-called treatment in a psychiatric "hospital", particularly if the person in question thinks about suicide seriously and refuses (so-called) outpatient psychotherapy to get this thinking changed.  The fact that people are incarcerated in America for thinking and talking about suicide implies that despite what the U.S. Constitution says about free speech, and despite claims Americans often make about America being a free country, many if not most Americans do not really believe in freedom of thought and speech - in addition to rejecting an individual's right to commit suicide… 

Lcostanzo    I empathize with you. How does anyone think you can help emotional distress with physical abuse and torture. When I was 15 in 1985 I was brought to a psych hospital. I have my medical record and I stated to the criminal psychiatrist that I felt lonely and unloved. So they put me in a straight jacket threw me in a seclusion room and had me take thorazine to shut my brain off for 3 months while I sat in a chair drooling. We are coming so far sarcasm. They no longer use straight jackets . Now they just have 4 secruity guards and if you are lucky the police hold you down while they inject you with tranquilizers. I don’t know how that is an “appropriate treatment plan”. for complaints of feeling lonely and unloved. Anyway,. I applaud all of your efforts to try and stop this.

Leah I Harris        "How wrong it all was I wouldn't realize until over a decade had passed and I began to educate myself about the psychiatric survivor movement. Now that I look back, I think it's obscene that a traumatized little child would be drugged up. It makes me sick. I want to reach out to that 7 year old child, to hug her and hold her to me and tell her that it was going to be OK, that she would get through it and she would be a better person for it."

  leigh harrison Newcastle upon Tyne, Великобритания     I have been a victim of these people

Leni Ersulie Lenya     I ran away from a ward three weeks ago 
my mom has been in contact demanding that they discharge me but they refuse to do so 
If they find me they will give me injections 
what can i do ?

// Leonard  Frank       We have to be witnesses for those millions who are not speaking up now for whatever reason. That’s the role that I feel our movement needs to play right now in society--to speak up, tell the truth about what we have known, what we have experienced in our own lives."

Lester Cook      Because it can happen to anyone. No one should be seen as less than human.

Lillian Nore    We do have statistics showing that the vast majority of people who commit acts of violence do not have a diagnosis of mental illness and, conversely, people who have mental illness are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators."
Lillian Nore    Psychiatric human rights violations are often denied and trivialized, even distortedly re-defined as “human rights” and “right to necessary health help”. The UN convention for the rights of persons with disabilities, CRPD, is changing that. CRPD demands an absolute prohibition of forced psychiatric treatment and involuntary commitment." … 
Lilly  Rush        Not all protesters there are scientologists - some are parents who have actually LOST their child through psychiatric drugs - nice spin APA

linda mulinix   Grand Island, NE      inhumane torture

Linda silvestro    Moriches, NY      People have suffered  Trauma, sadness or may have illnesses based on allergies or vitamin deficiencies. There are no lab tests ,blood analysis, or other important medical tests given to a psych patient. Psychiatrists make up diseases and vote on them. Big Pharma gets wealthy on supplying meds to made up diseases without scientific testing! Enough of this horrific faux medical field destroying lives!

Lionel PAGES   Франция      Médecin guérit toi toi-même! Avant d'utiliser la force ou la contrainte sur un enfant VA d'abord voir le père si tu as un désir impérieux et inextinguible d'avoir à montrer, exprimer, prouver ta "force" sur plus faible. Le père ou la mère saura toujours te démontrer et te faire sentir qu'avant de frapper ou contraindre un enfant il faut se dire que la sanction est immédiate en retour!

Lisa Emma Trefonis One of the hardest things to realize in life is that you are ultimately responsible for the condition you are in." Empowering, but if you are born through generations of opression, your inherit genetics that structure & continually predispose suffering. This is reflected by the institutions of society. An individual born through generations of supremacy, often inherit predispositions also, to be, perhaps, less empathetic & more content. Dominant ideologies amplify this. Individuals do collaborate with their opression for a variety of reasons, but this is a poor identification with the general situation of oppression-related suffering. 

lisa forrest   Bundall, Австралия   Psychiatric Treatment nearly killed me! I was forced/coerced into unwanted treatment for an incorrect and invalid diagnosis, instead of receiving the necessary support I required for my psycho-social issues I was experiencing at the time. My issues were Domestic Violence, unresolved Trauma, and my history of Poverty and Disadvantage due to a dysfunctional childhood which included drug and alcohol fueled violence and abuse, unhealthy conditioning, programming and learned behaviours. These were the issues and problems I needed to overcome, not the deadening of my Central Nervous System, the decaying of my gut integrity, the never-ending 'brain fog',or, most horrifying; the significant loss of 'SELF' I experienced, as I watched an 'other' take over my mind, my body, my soul. As I slowly but surely lost grip of my identity & my inner compass, I eventually started to not even want to be 'here' anymore, I had this growing desire to make grand changes to how I was living (or not living) my life. After feeling completely unheard, belittled, disenfranchised, oppressed,…

Lisa Melight Waz Monaghan   An aggreieved person shouting about injustice is not symptoms of disorders its thier "symptomania" falling apart   south  shields
ne33 South Shields, United Kingdom   +44 7948 087297

Lisa Mitchell    The Texas Tribune first asked the state for foster care psychiatric stay data in November and received it in late March. It shows that children as young as two years have been hospitalized for mental illness has created a 37 percent increase in Child Protective Services removals from January 2015 to January 2016.   Psychiatric facilities which can cost $650 a day just for that child's room and board also prescribe psychotropic drugs to children as young as three. Shame on YOU! These drugs are not pediatric approved by FDA for children under 18-24   

littlemissperfect  Yes, a million times yes to what you have said here. My own son was exposed to Ambien in utero while i was on bed rest. After his birth we went home from the hospital and cold turkeyed. I know this was the cause of so many of his problems then and since. I advocate for benzo victims everywhere, but the stories that hurt the most are the children. Far too many have been permanently altered in their demeanor, cognition, etc. It’s heart breaking especially considering there are so many safer alternatives that can and should be implemented before or in conjunction with these medications. Benzos are for emergency use, not daily use. If the medical profession could just get that through their heads this world would be better for it. Bless you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story.

Liv Skree   Оslo, Норвегия      It should never have happened to anyone.

Lizzie Lapin another person who needed compassion and care has close friend done a runner from the ward and killed herself last many times has this not happened!  

Lo Bundy    Who would like to get involved in a class action lawsuit against the makers of Haldoperidol ?

Lou C Bluue    Соединенные Штаты      I’m signing because of obvious reasons, this is not a practical approach at all.

Louise Bark It's a catch-22 isn't it? Bad psychiatry has traumatized us and, in order to get the trauma treated, we must go to... a psychiatrist.
What's helped me to cope is to realize that psychiatry is not the answer and I must avoid psychiatrists at all costs.
I've learned to recognize that the system is corrupt, they damaged me, I did nothing wrong to invite that damage, and I can't undo that damage. 
I can, however, develop a mindset of telling others to stuff it when they judge me. If anyone wants to criticize my meltdowns in public, I say let them. I defy anyone to live the hell I lived through inside the psychiatric system and come out as healthy, and as full of life as I have…  

Luc De Bry      It concludes: "So psychiatry didn’t really abandon its psychodynamic insights; it just found new, subliminal ways to profitably use them. Today’s psychiatrists may be unaware that they’re master manipulators, but I think they know. It’s one of those trade secrets that everyone knows but no one talks about. But it must be brought out in the open in order to stop their parasitic sucking of the life from our culture."

Lucinda  Meyer     How do I find out more about this.  I am injured from these poisons. Suffering badly. I Am proud of you

Luna  llena    Almost two years ago I was taken to the local hospital ER by ambulance and police escort after being confronted by a mall security guard 
 I guess he thought I was going to jump and notified police. A plain clothed officer in an unmarked car was the first on the scene and without making any verbal contact with me he put me in handcuffs. I was confused and upset. He wouldn’t identify himself or tell me what was going on and I began to struggle against him. He took me to a waiting ambulance where they shackled my feet to the stretcher. Once at the hospital I was asked if I wanted any help. Help? Yes! Help out of these handcuffs and shackles! Help understanding what’s going on! Help would’ve been great. 
  A nurse came in the room, while still being handcuffed and shackled to the bed, and asked if I could provide a urine sample. I said that I had no urge to urinate at that moment. She left the room only to return a few minutes later with a small bag of supplies and two male police officers lurking in hallway outside of the open door. She never said a word. She walked up to me, lifted my skirt, pulled down my underwear and inserted a catheter. I felt a pinch followed by discomfort. The nurse then removed the catheter, pulled up my underwear and tugged my skirt down. Tethered to the bed, all I could do was lay there

Lydia Penrod   Washington, DC      I object to any child being tortured. I cannot believe that this is tolerated.

Lynda Byrne   Dublin, Ирландия      Psychiatry has destroyed the last 3 years of my life and I still cannot escape their clutches.

Lynda  Sitzler      I am signing because the entire Industry is 100% fraudulent to start out with ,,, realistically they have NO REAL PROFESSION ,,, so therefore should have no dealings of ANY KIND ,,, WITH ANYONE. I WANT THE INDUSTRY OF PSYCHIATRYTO BE COMPLETELY ELIMINATED. THAT IS ALL THAT PSYCHIATRY IS ,,, YES ,,, AN INDUSTRY ,,, IT IS BUSINESS FOR PROFIT AND THAT IS ALL ,,, NOT TO MENTION IT SERVES NOTHING EXCEPT FOR IT'S POCKET OF WEALTH ,,, Well ,,, it dose serve up trauma injury and death. END PSYCHIATRY! THANKYOU, Lynda Sitzler

Lynsey Howell    Carmarthen, Великобритания     utterly disgraceful, i'm shocked and disapointed you need to be told

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