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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry Z

    Zelda Ombrero   the 'good to talk' campaign on Rethink : Mindapples: "you will forget what people said, you will forget what they said but you will remember how they made you FEEL." Talking about suicide makes me feel like ********** and murder. I don't know how to solve this paradox or the meaning of it but : the one thing that's going to send me screaming over the highest cliff I can find, is someone rushing at me trying to save me. I certainly do not want to be in this life. I do not want to be here. My son is being slowly tortured to death in a secure institution. dying of disease would be bad enough, he is being murdered by degrading and humiliating force treatment. I get to the edges of cliffs and rivers, cannot jump. Damn ! Trapped in life. All I can do is try and find some equanimity, at the same time kidding I am no better, have no more hope than an animal being driven up the ramp in the slaughterhouse. and no dammit I do not want 'therapy' if my son cannot be cured I want him to at least die a death with some dignity remaining. how can the idiots go on treating him when after 20 years the treatment hasn't worked, after every drug in the sun, all kinds of approaches. Who are the mad ones exactly ? Must be all of us.
Zelda Ombrero London       bloody hell financial Armageddon, Prime Minister resigns, floods, nothing but misery in view for the next ????? how long ? and then there's fascism, poverty, little bastard kids mugging pensioners and disabled people, murders. Maybe the safest place to be is to be in a mental asylum, permanently sectioned, forcibly drugged, never allowed outside ??? do the apparently mad actually have more sense than the rest of us ? the Buddha said it's a tragedy to be born he is certainly right. Whatever side we are on, we now have conclusive proof that approximately 50 % of the population are retarded ***wits. If I wasn't geriatric, disabled,in so much pain I wish I was dead nearly every day, incapacitated I'd love to go out on a mass murder spree.

   In Zeph Daniel's own words:  How they wanted to kill me for escaping and speaking out....... More testimony about my childhood, and the world-view shaped by the confluence of events, people, family and others sucked into the swirling vortex of satanism, pedophilia, drugs, Hollywood and big money America. 
How I coped mentally, spiritually, physically while being set-up, targeted, poisoned, overdosed and basically tortured by the satanist pedophile elite network for not "fitting in" (thank God)... 
Just who will burn in hell for all eternity? Whose souls will be lost? Not just the hands-on perps, but all who cover for this sick reality that ruins the world…  
  This video is a two & one-half hour testimonial discussion about how trauma and abuse are perpetrated against targeted individuals. Zeph Daniel's testimony uses examples from his own life experiences; and he reveals the names and companies whom where behind it all. Many different kinds of examples are given from the sabotage of  

Zetrone100      have lots of THOUGHTS and observations to share; as I underwent 139 OLD STYLE ECTs (with only pentathol) . These were given in a doctor's office from 1969 to 1976. EVERYTIME I was driven to the doctor's office I EXPECTED TO DIE and I EXPECTED TOGO TO HELL (because of my Catholic programming about mortal sin) These ECTs were deemed necessary because I had a dark night of the soul depression that medication would not touch. This depression resulted from my being sexually assaulted at college  by my roommate and losing my scholarship. The first ECTs had to be signed for by my parents as I was not 21 yet. There is NOTHING I have experienced that is more HORRABLE than the ECT I went through.STILL ect kept me from killing myself? AND>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the expantion of my counciousness from it is something OTHERS do not come away with. He used a OFFNER shock machine!!!!!! I have recently seen the Bourne movies and I believe I was treated by a shock doc infoved in a CIA project such as Monarch Conditioning. In my case the ect was the same as for Bourne BUT THEY DID NOT PROGRAM my "ALTER". Therefore , I received much of the enhancements and improvements in human abilities but I was not PROGRAMED for a Manchurian Candidate type paper.

zohra HADDADI Франция      Je signe parce que j'ai mal vaicu la psychiatrie

   Z P   Floral Park, NY     This isn't right. The FDA needs to ban this practice. They deserve everything we have.

Zsalvati      the problem is that things are always changing, there is no self...then who am I? Putting a label on yourself or others is assuming people don't change and they do. I feel alot of fear watching this video and hope people realize their personal responsability as physchiatrists and human beings.  

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