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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry Y

YetAnotherAcoount     Horrible stuff, Jonathan! I just finished tapering off 150 mg of Effexor. Much calmer. I talk less, like the person I was pre-psychiatry. Losing weight effortlessly too.

Yin  Yangg    Heroes! Thank you for speaking out! We can all only hope one day enough people speak out, and this violence comes to end. Forced psychiatry is an atrocity, it has no right to exist. It must be abolished. Psychiatry is quackery, our governments should not be in the business of violently forcing quackery on citizens. People should have the inalienable right to say no to psychiatry, and to reject its heinously incorrect belief system.

Yvonne Dawson    Knowing the Difference Between Freedom and Psychiatry 
Sometimes I refer to myself as a person diagnosed with mental illness. Sometimes I also refer to some people as "people in danger of being diagnosed with mental illness." Although I realize that a large portion of people wouldn't agree with the second label, because it discourages people from seeking "help." 
I had a mother who was against seeking "help" for me when I developed the symptomology of what is called schizophrenia when I was a teen. I was allowed to be a free person, un-drugged, unconfined, uncensored, with my own volition, etc. I lived like that for at least 7 years before I saw a psychiatrist; I did not start seeing a psychiatrist at a later point because of symptoms that started out mild and got more severe. My most severe symptoms, of what is diagnosed as schizophrenia, where when it began when I was 14. 
Actually, I became unable to work due to my life situation, and was experiencing the symptoms usually diagnosed as major depression. I applied for disability, since I was unable to work, but my application kept getting rejected. Finally, a friend told me that I need medical documentation to get disability - so began my involvement with psychiatry. 
My first psychiatrist was ok. He was on older man, and an osteopath. He prescribed me the lowest possible dosages of medication. But then I wound up living with a man that insisted that I need inpatient treatment, and pretty often. I became very suicidal. The doctors I had begun seeing started treating me with the strongest drugs they have, for example, Haldol. I no longer had any friends. I wound up with this man (whom eventually became my husband), and whom encouraged my frequent inpatient treatment, for 20 years. 
Anytime I cried a lot; any time he didn't agree with me, or rather my thoughts were "wrong" according to him, etc., I was called crazy and encouraged to go into the mental hospital. It has been a long struggle. Luckily right before I had children, in the middle of all of this, I met a wonderful freelance mental health advocate who encouraged me to stop taking medication, and explained to me how the cycle of going on and coming off the medication was making me suicidal. 
I have been in the hospital since then, but with much less frequency than before. I know that I do better off of their medications because I lived for so many years, with what is diagnosed as mental illness, without medication; I saw how badly I deteriorated on it; and saw my recovery staying off of it. No matter how many pharmaceutical studies say otherwise, I know the truth, at least for me. And I must add that I like freedom much better! 
Note Added: The psychiatrist has been put in the position of God or the government, given sovereignty over patients diagnosed with severe mental illness, and allowing for great abuse of this position, especially when the psychiatrist’s and the patients have differing belief systems; the psychiatrist is able to enforce their belief systems over the patient’s, often in an illegal manner, going against current statutes and constitutional law.

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