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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. W

  Walter Keim   Objection to the “Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention on Human 
Rights and Biomedicine concerning the protection of human rights and dignity of persons with 
mental disorder with regard to involuntary placement and involuntary treatment” 
Walter Keim    Call for Stop Torture in Psychiatry in Norway: 

WakeyUpPeople     If our blood sugar goes low.... We go mentally ill.  If we are in trauma... We go mentally ill...if we do not have friendship and human support... We go mentally ill. So what 'satan'  does is makes us all mentally ill by taking over our lives. Your all part of the problem because you reject christ and you reject satan. So both the solution and the author of the confusion get taken out of the picture and you all go squabbling amongst yourselves and in doing so... Perpetuate the problem.

  Weston Stephens Livingston, LA    thats so horrible

Wilfred Berlin    Broken Arrow, OK     Fairness over deceit.

William Gerrard    Caldicot, Великобритания      Psychiatry should be banned hhtp://

William Heidbreder   New York, NY       I'm signing because as a victim of this system and its abuses, used as a form of policing and punishment, I know very well that this is an evil that we must stop.

WinstonSmithist     I think the point he was making was that there is no "Discrete disease entity". No virus, no pathogen, no bacteria. So the designation of "disease" is about the perception of a set of observed behaviours, and as such is wholly socially created by the "experts" who designate to be a pathology. Much like the example made in this film of runaway slaves being mentally ill for running away to be free.

WWWTOTALITAERDE      Psychiatry was developed before 1900 in Germany to get rid of people complaining.First use of directed energy weapons can be seen in psychiatric literature from 1908, see Psychiatrie->Zur Klinik der Narkolepsie on my homepage.After murdering oponents in ww2,Psychiatry was relaunched in´45 to persecute+silence concentration camp survivors.
As a Doctor in a German nuthouse said:
Half the inmates are mad.The other half are secret service agents on training.
Dubbed correctly, they are snitchers.

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