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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. P

Pamela Rang Graham, WA  This is cruel and inhuman what these people are doing to these disabled people. One would link we are living in a third world country. It is disgusting that the FDA has allowed this.

pamela soucy   milford, NH  Daughter was diagnosed with a metal illness in 2009 an a since have been advocating for her constitutional / civil rights to live / work in the community not isolate / seclude let's help not enable a symptom

   Pamela Spiro Wagner   Brattleboro     This picture depicts the room and what was done to me for three days straight in the 1980s in Dempsey Hospital at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington CT ... I believe this was torture and criminal behavior and has affected me all my life since then. But can anything be done?!  

Pauline N      Kelli, thank you for sharing as I know how much bravery it takes and thte risks of being a mental health professional doing so but the more of us that “come out” the better. I have suffered more discrimination from mental health workers than from any other section of the community for my “mental Illness”
“Forgiveness and gratitude are the salve for the extreme betrayal, abandonment, lies, and disempowerment I went through” This statement rings so true for me and is what gave me my own personal power back. Thank you again 

  Panda Devon Where does this go - "speaking out against psychiatry"? I have joined many forums, I blog myself, I go to meetings etc. A lot of people ARE speaking out against psychiatry but HOW can we influence the big boys - governments, doctors etc. Some of the events I have attended are even fronted by GPs who KNOW "emotional disturbances" are family, societal and abuse related but even THEY don't speak AGAINST the system for fear of being "ex-communicated" / "de-barred". From my experience a lot of people are doing a lot of work on this subject but we are predominantly all speaking in our own groups and feel absolutely POWERLESS to change a Victorian system. If we had alternatives and didn't end up in a GP surgery in the first place, if parents had an alternative to a GP to take their children; then psychiatry would die because no-one would end up in the hands of the medical system in the first place. But without finances and alternatives - how will these abuses EVER EVER change. 
I despair about so much at the moment and most of it relates to the complete and utter feeling of POWERLESSNESS without our "society".

Paolo Fiora    Sorry guys, I was not thinking straight, I sent my full-blown Les, London End Stalking, newsletter into the forum, obviously that was completely out of order, I just was not thinking straight, trying to find out if I have been taken off the list altogether or just had my emails blocked, I’m not complaining or asking for favours, just trying to find out, guess if I have been taken off the list, that was probably fully deserved, I would like to point out however that many of the members of our community of victims of covert harassment and there are many around with more coming forward every day, have had usually brushes with the mental health system, a close friend of mine has been sectioned 3 times in Highgate Mental Hearth Centre, Jade, Amber and Topaz Wards, centre has become a bit home from home and most of the people in our community have been at some point or other sectioned under the mental health act, we may have a slightly different approach to the mental health system which we consider just a political tool to control people, however I leave it with you to decide if it is right and proper for you to discriminate against us, 
all the best   London  

Partha desikan   Bangalore, Индия    Torture is inhumane and is just NOT admissible.

Pat  Risser I had been brainwashed by the psychiatric system to be hopeless, helpless and overly dependent. So now I've dedicated the greater part of my life to try and reach people who are currently affected by the system and deprogram them from the cult of psychiatry."

Patricia Swain    Salem, OR     This is horrific and should never happen

Patrick D Hahn    If you were sexually abused as a child and later diagnosed with schizophrenia or a related disorder, I would like to talk to you. I am a free-lance writer specializing in medical harm.

Paul Dixon   Dundee, Великобритания     I am adamant that more people really get to know what is happening in psychiatric units, the effect of anti-psychotic drugs (causing brain damage and reducing life-expectancy by 20 years ... and that is from official statistics ... yet they still continue forcing these drugs on my son and thousands of others. WHO CARES? DO SOMETHING !!

Paul Lommen   When I was in the hospital, quite a few of my best friends killed themselves and I wish there had been a better option. They had to leave in order to survive but their was no place to go. When they did end their lives, the staff just said, "see I told you they were nuts."
Paul Lommen   Living without your brain can't really be called "life." 

Paul Quintilone   Buffalo, NY     Electric shock treatment is a barbaric, out of date and inhuman.

Paula Cremer   Robstown, TX     I'm so disgusted, I can't read past the first paragraph! Anyone whom has used a shock device on any living being should be immediately sent to prison so we can protect others from these psycho and sociopaths! I want to vomit!

Pauline N    …I have suffered more discrimination from mental health workers than from any other section of the community for my “mental Illness”
“Forgiveness and gratitude are the salve for the extreme betrayal, abandonment, lies, and disempowerment I went through” This statement rings so true for me and is what gave me my own personal power back…   

Pedro  Graca       Despite the looks and the fact that you got no shirt i dont want to judge but i think your right. Only who deals with psychiatrists face to face constantly knows that there selling is bullshit.Other people that see our symtoms are anwhere of what they are doing to us, they think is caused by our sickness. Its the shit they give us and withdrawls of the addicting meds.Another thing they will hospitalize anyone who been said its crazy even if acts normal. Ive seen pretty normal persons in psy hospitals and have to obey or there done. Their methods are ruthless they will break you they will destroy you until you accept and bow to their will.I dont know how in XXI century this still happens. And electroterapy that is not cure is torture and is incredible how people dont see or care. Well i guess is XXI century.

  Penny Giforos   I came home last week from the University of Utah hospital after undergoing ECT. I had four sessions but decided to stop due to the loss of memory, severe headaches and the incompetence of the doctors (they made me quit clonazepam cold-turkey and gave me Imitrex for the severe headaches I would get after each ECT session, which in combination with the 80 mg of Prozac I was on caused me to suffer serotonin syndrome). 
The way they pressured and bullied me to continue ECT was unreal. I agreed to outpatient ECT just so they would let me leave the hospital. They told me it was my decision and they couldn't force me to do ECT, but they've continued to pressure and harass me to the point where I'm thinking of taking legal action. They called my sister yesterday and said I had an outpatient appointment, which I cancelled last week
  Pete Dance    I am not kidding, I started out in life as a performer, actor, then musician, before becoming dragged down by the folly that is 'mental illness' in 1992....the experience scared the living shit out of me suffice to say that I did not 'perform' ever again, until 2004/5, when it was a pale shadow of what I have done before.....I have always loved the attention and power of performing but something tells me it is all went along to a 'mental health' music group live performance at my local library this afternoon and as good as it was, my idea of performance is or can be jumping off a stage and grabbing someone out the audience and humiliating them gently for the purposes of audience participation and laughs, or delivering one liners to clubs full of scowling miners until they crack up laughing as per my requirements.....then playing and singing keyboards and dancing around like John Cleese on recently I have grown back some of the 'confidence' needed to do this again, as a solo artist, and have agreed to perform at an outdoor family fun day at a local park next month. I have my own material, both songs and jokes and monologues, and although daunted, now aged 51, I am trying to see it as an opportunity to be grasped and, here's the this 'concert' this afternoon I met one or two 'service users' and one member of 'staff' who invited me to perform impromptu, but I declined except for their singalong bits....when I sang, I felt all their eyes fall upon me, but in that environment I am mainly known as another 'service user', and every single attempt at making light of my status thus to date, has resulted in either suspicion, mild amusement, ridicule, or sometimes physical threats and violence...!!! My 'confidence' has suffered as a result, not knowing especially in mental health groups, whether to make that 'observation' or a result, my humour is tentative and half hearted and I feel I come over as a nothing either way.....However, if I behave 'confidently', I feel they consider me to be 'psychotic'.....if anything, for me, performing is very much like being psychotic, as many see what do I do?? I wanted to ask some of the performers in the group today if they wanted me to record them in my home studio, but when I chatted to them to introduce myself properly, they actually just walked off mid-sentence....ffs....not filling me with confidence, but feeling like a leper..!!!....I want to make a one man show with a message about mental illness that everyone can understand and benefit from,,,,but right now I feel inclined to curl back up and carry on taking medication so that I can 'fit in' with the 'incrowd' out??? Which am I? and can I be both..????   

Pete Vilinsky   New York state alone has over 6,000 psychiatrists. This is not to mention that it also has major schooling and training centers for psychiatry that get international involvement in various ways. This is more psychiatry than any other state in the USA. We need funding and volunteer participation to expand the CCHR NY Chapter large enough to make a real impact on this. This scene is a huge hive of well funded and busy people at work on technologies that will further dumb down, enslave and cause harm and despair in an ever growing population. I am grateful for the likes and the shares and the favorable intentions. But I need much more active participation in the forms of finance and doing. This scene is no joke. It has to be eradicated. Psychiatry needs to be brought under the law, it's lies exposed and the people made safe from it's abuses. 
$25 makes you an annual member and we'll send you gear. $300 is a corporate annual or individual lifetime. DONATE HERE : 

  Peter ModernAsylum   Treatment in a mental health facility is meant to alleviate or to prevent a worsening of the patient’s condition or it’s symptoms. Our daughter is actually deteriorating again because of your company’s insistence on prolonging an unjustified detention.
Do you understand this? Can you see that your company is actually making our daughter’s condition worse?
After the latest revision of the Mental Health Act the idea of ‘appropriate treatment’ became diluted. Instead of specific and actual tangible ongoing treatment for mental illness, at tribunals and in reports, psychiatrists are now able to rely on the often quoted ‘therapeutic milieu’ of the ward as enough treatment to justify detention.
It’s generally accepted that detention cannot be challenged because of a lack of appropriate treatment because of this: the nursing and the climate of the ward is assumed adequate enough to ‘treat’ the patient.
I just spoke to my daughter tonight...  

Phaigie  Hamling      im currently preparing for my nursing board exam, as i read through mental health chapters i wonder if i have a mental disorder because i see myself in a lot of these disorder except hallucination. weird because my life seems to be normal. oh and my child seems to fit ADHD but i refuse to medicate her and i think she is improving as i learn differents ways of parenting..

Phil Blackmore   I have recently discovered that I have been given a potential diagnosis of a personality disorder by my CPN. I have been treated for just over a year with postnatul depression and attachment disorder to my son, all of sudden it has become a personality disorder. This potential diagnosis has been given to me because i dont do as im told. I wont just change my meds when she says, or have a voluntary admission to a unit when she thinks i need one.I ask questions and dont just agree with whats being said to me, so that makes me difficult. Some of these 'health care professionals' are so full of there own self importance they hate to be questioned! Rant over
  Psychiatry or tyranny? 
In the former USSR, authorities used the medical system to control and regulate citizens’ thoughts. It implemented mental health programs that categorized dissenters as impaired and in need of mind-altering drugs that often had devastating side effects. 
“Psychiatric incarceration of mentally healthy people is uniformly understood to be a particularly pernicious form of repression, because it uses the powerful modalities of medicine as tools of punishment, and it compounds a deep affront to human rights with deception and fraud,” explains a 2002 analysis and commentary on the abuse of psychiatry in both the Soviet Union and China that was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 
“Doctors who allow themselves to be used in this way… betray the trust of society and breach their most basic ethical obligations as professionals.”

Phil Frisella    Dunedin, FL    Again, Electroshock is barbaric and shouldnt be used, even on psychiatrists - (waste of electricity in their case) 
Using electroshock on special needs people is cowardly and pure evil.

  Philip Michael   In the past two decades, countless medical studies have shown that use of neuroleptic psychiatric dr...    

Philip Porter    Why psychiatry is a drug industry scam: 
Mental trauma exists, but where do the people who are suffering from it go to? 
Mental hospital. 
Do they get diagnosed with a type of trauma? 
No, they get diagnosed with an illness. 
Because trauma implies a real life cause and a real life solution. Instead they get diagnosed with an illness which implies a biological cause and a drug solution, despite there being no evidence for a biological cause. Yet, without exception, every supposed mental illness can be attributed to trauma. If I was wrong there would places to go under the NHS where one could go to recover from trauma, but there aren't. This is proof that the NHS denies the existence of mental trauma and is proof that mental illness doesn't exist. It is a scam to justify drugging people for profit and social control, and their myriad of invented illness are a measurement of their inability or unwillingness to deal with human trauma effectively.   Newcastle upon Tyne  England  

Phoebe Sparrow Wagner    A narrative of psychiatric abuse from the USA...    Pierre  Larochelle       When they take control of the Mind, they control the whole person. They want that on a world-wide scale. Population control par excellence.

Pieta MCGILVRAY   SPRING HILL., Австралия      This is personal.

Pieternella Pijpaert   Long Beach, CA    Have seen the destruction of the psychiatric abuse first hand.,

pina giordi   Италия  La psichiatria uccide un uomo !!!!!!

Psmama     This whole thread just infuriates me! We are HUMAN BEINGS! At one hospitalization, 8 weeks pregnant and stopped all meds cold turkey for my baby and had severe withdrawal and suicidal thoughts, I ran into a doctor who saw me as nothing less than a thing. I was severely constipated and requested an enema that I could take to my room and administer to myself. They were all aware that I was a child sex abuse victim/survivor, but that didn’t stop the doctor’s refusal to allow me that dignity. He said I could not only not administer an enema to myself, I could not have one at all. The only option I was given was for this 70+ year old man to digitally stimulate my rectum and “break up the stool”. I cried and refused. I was then given zyprexa (Satan’s drug) and 20 minutes later I was on the exam table crying while a nurse stroked my head and this man dug his fingers in my body for well over one minute. I was in shock, drugged and humiliated. And I still didn’t have have a bowel movement. I ended up on the floor of my private shower for the next 2 hours crying. I then got dressed, walked to the nurses station and filed a formal complaint. Worst mistake ever! The comments and treatment I received from the male techs after was enough to make anyone not wanting to die to begin with, want to be die. I survived only because of the other “inmates” compassion and support. One of which was a veteran that spoke up on my behalf when being mistreated. I will never forget how he put himself in danger for me, not once by going to actual war, but twice by going to battle for me in those walls. I suffer from complex ptsd

PSSD-PsychIsAbuse-MentalHealthIsEugenics      For many the sexual dysfunction rape from psychiatric drugs is permanent. This is what a lot of people call PSSD. 
Despite being off the drugs thousands are still raped by PSSD. It is about 60%, more than half of all antidepressant users that are generally reporting induced sexual dysfunction while still on the drugs. Both Antipsychotics and Antidepressants unbeknown to ‘mental patients’ are actually used to chemically castrate sex offenders!
Some people do not get to go back to normal, and the sexual violence inflicted on them is a lifelong irreversible damage. I do a lot of interviews for the Everyday PsychVictims Project on victims of PSSD on youtube. I have just interviewed a victim of the open eugenics sterilization board of North Carolina, with me a PSSD victim. That will be uploaded anytime now.

  PsycheTruth      It's a horrible analogy, No psychotropic drug is required for the vital functioning of the body, period. 
The best argument you could attempt to make is that maybe some people would kill themselves without the drug but even that's a lame argument since CDC data show that more than half of all suicides are already taking psychotropic drugs.

Puls4rt      the point of dr Szaz is about coercive treatment of 'mentally ill' people and stigmatization. Yes there are people whose behavior and ideas is considered abnormal and that may disrupt the integration of that person into society. but it is not a disese, its simply how that person brain is. that person should have the freedom to decide if she wants to take meds or not. psych meds destroy the personality of a person, the definition of what she is. Therefore, I think there must be consent on the person taking the meds, ALWAYS. And sometimes it is better to be killed rather than take meds.

r.tennes      What a horror story. Sad that things like this happen and more often than we are aware of I’m afraid. So glad you got out of the prison of psychiatry. I got out too but I was not successful at justice for what was done to me. Fortunately I am mostly OK, I think< and can live the remainder of my life free. Hope that you can as well.   Thank you for your courage and for telling your story !

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