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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. O

Obi Laing   Mt Vernon, NY      I want equality for all.

oldhead I think “survivor” consciousness has made some inroads over the past few years, as halting as it has been at times. The philosophy reflected in this piece would take us back to the stifling perspective of believing we are “consumers of mental health services,” rather than victims of psychiatry rising up to confront it as a monstrous assault on humanity. Such self-hating identifications have been rejected by many survivors over the past five years after having been falsely promoted for decades as the result of the “evolution” of the anti-psychiatry resistance into the polite, compliant “mental health consumers movement.” We don’t need to go back to this, and we need to start recognizing the function of the “peer” industry as an adjunct of the “mental health” system.

Olga Podolna   Mountain View, CA      Physical torture has no place in special-needs education and prisons. It does nothing to educate or correct a person. It is less morally objectionable to kill an uncontrollably violent person than subject him or her to a lifetime of physical torture.

Oliver Swingler    Some thought on violent crime and “mental illness”
All too often when an appalling crime of violence occurs without any seeming rhyme or reason, eventually the media will settle on the consensus that the perpetrator was “mentally ill”, and that is supposed to explain it.
But not only does it explain very little, it also unfortunately leaves us easy targets, the considerable community of mental health survivors – whose only ‘crime’ may be to suffer chronic mental distress since being abused as children – with yet more isolation through increased pariah status stigma.  

  Once a feared tool for persecuting dissents, psychiatry has itself become a victim, struggling against pressure and harassment by both officials and organized crime groups, a top forensic psychiatric expert said. 
"It’s a rare year that passes without a forensic psychiatrist being killed," said Tatyana Dmitriyeva, the director of the Serbsky Center for Forensic Psychiatry, who recalled being driven to work in an armored vehicle under protection of a SWAT team. 
Forensic psychiatrists are the experts who judge whether a defendant is mentally fit to assume responsibility for the alleged crime he or she has committed. Dmitriyeva said Friday that the 400 forensic psychiatrists working in the provinces regularly face threats from those who are unhappy with their verdicts — both local authorities and people from the underworld. 
"Most experts live in small towns where every step is visible, and the authorities can easily put pressure on them," Dmitriyeva said. "They receive regular threats, and have no protection at all." 
Moscow’s Serbsky Center, the top expert body in the field, has also faced threats. Dmitriyeva said she had to arrange for armed guards after receiving a warning that a criminal organization was plotting to free one of its men held in the center.
Security measures at the center resemble those at a maximum-security prison. After his arrest by security services, Chechen warlord Salman Raduyev was carried from one building in the center to another in an armored vehicle for fear of snipers, Dmitriyeva said. 
The center’s experts found Raduyev fully sane after a day of tests, despite the widespread belief that several wounds to the head had resulted in mental damage. 
"We found his skull mangled and fastened with metal plates, but his brain was intact and he had a remarkably high intellect," Dmitriyeva said.
He remains imprisoned in Moscow’s Lefortovo Prison, awaiting trial. 
Russia currently has seven maximum-security hospitals … 

onedayatatime     Thank you and every commenter on this site for speaking up. My son has endured the horrible pain and humiliation of forced psych treatment. The drugs cause so much of his actions so more drugs are added and then it is forgotten the drugs cause the actions again and in different ways, even mad in America people think it is him….and not his reactions to the trauma inflicted on him by psychiatry and a family thinking psychiatry knew something magical about drugs in a bottle.
Someday my son will recover but will he ever forgive our collective insanity and how many years of his childhood have been spent in a chemical lobotomy?

Opal B. Fincham   Edmonton, Канада    This is disgusting and honestly I don't know why the US government even allows this.

Oryx  Cohen     Meeting so many people who have fought through an oppressive mental health system, who have been forcibly electroshocked and drugged, who have been treated as less than human--and who are now leading accomplished and fulfilling lives as authors, directors of organizations, social activists, etc., has been inspiring and empowering. I just hope that eventually the general public will hear our stories and take them as their own."

out    It’s ironic how psychiatry has never gotten its head around how much of what they are “diagnosing” is down to these people, the predators, hurting people. We are the ones who wear their shame in the form of stigmatisation and discrediting labels, but it never belonged to us.
For me, pulling my head out of the sand was what it took to be able to be compassionate towards myself, the two just went together – recognising predators, getting it, and finally forgiving myself, knowing that i had always been okay. That’s a big part of the damage they inflict – offloading poison into our minds.
There are too many of those people working inside that system. They are part of why it has never been able to improve across the years psychiatry has been going. Not the only reason, but one of them. Usually they come across, superficially at least as especially ‘nice’, and they do so much damage to people who are desperate to see a little kindness in a desert of cruelty. They are usually as thick as a plank but they always set up little cult followings inside. Its really sad to see the people who get pulled in.
Those with any brains can do much better out in the real world, but the picture is the same, illogical followings, ordinary people very often turned into weapons in their nasty campaigns.

Ovadose Peace     psychiatric persecution over 25 years falsi misdiagnosis no apology mkultra human experimentation secretly

Ozzie  Freedom        I support Human Rights. I want to preserve the life and freedom of my family and friends, my nation, my (human) race and all life that interacts with them - and for that aim our Human Rights must be preserved. If psychiatric abuse is allowed to persist, we won't survive.

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