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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. N

N A     Springfield, OR  Shock treatment actually burns out brain cells.                        Je signe parce que je suis contre la psychiatrie et je suis pour l'abolition de la psychiatrie.
Aussi, je suis une victime de cette pseudo-science et pseudo-medecine qu'est la psychiatre. Ils détruisent toute personne avec un haut potentiel et qui est hors-moule de la société et je suis une personne hors-moule de la société avec un haut potentiel qui a été détruite par la psychiatrie et cette société. La psychiatrie définit toute souffrance comme une maladie mentale, mais c'est du mensonge, le DSM n'est qu'un mensonge et la psychiatrie n'est qu'un mensonge.
La psychiatrie est criminelle et ils sont coupable de crime contre l'humanité.
Merci beaucoup.  Steven

Nahed Khairy   Cairo, Египет      I am an Egyptian psychiatrist and witness first hand the abuses of the psychiatric patient by the mental health system with lack of any regulatory body. Psychiatry is a power and force that is being subscribed to in order to create plastic societies

Nancy Lee Fairbanks, AK     We are not barbarians, are we?

Naomi Fox    Clearwater, FL      I am opposed to psychiatric labels drugs, mandatory hospitalization, patient abuse, shock "therapy", and anything else they come up with. They have failed and left a trail of destruction behind them. That's why I support this petition.

Narcsurvivor      Nikki!! I wish we could speak privately!! your story is a mirror image to ours!! I have been looking for someone else that experienced what we did….

Nathan Moore   Defiance, OH     I want to see an end to psychiatry . It should never be forced,and the side effects alone from the medications are enough to just keep them away from people and children.

Ne Glez     Children reveal painful memories of neglect, heavy duty drug treatments
Nick Barber   Is nonconformity and freethinking a mental illness? According to the newest addition of the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), it certainly is. The manual identifies a new mental illness called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD. Defined as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior,” symptoms include questioning authority, negativity, defiance, argumentativeness, and being easily annoyed. The DSM-IV is the manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illnesses and, with each new edition, there are scores of new mental illnesses. Are we becoming sicker? Is it getting harder to be mentally healthy? Authors of the DSM-IV say that it’s because they’re better able to identify these illnesses today. Critics charge that it’s because they have too much time on their hands. - 

Nick Walker Sensei   The occasional conflict is inevitable in all human relations. Watch how the people in your life and community deal with their conflicts and how they treat those with whom they’re in conflict. That’s a good indicator of how they’ll treat YOU, should a conflict arise between you.

Nico Vegt    Hamilton, Новая Зеландия      If the powers that be had stayed for 3 months in a mental institution which they help set up with public moneys, and had exactly the same treatment; I would like to hear their story after they were subjected to the horrors the patients put up with everyday of their lives not to mention, for the rest of their lives. I move this be illegal to coerce and tell exactly what is going to happen by a survivor of the horrors they went through . That, they can have a advocate with every time they set out to drug someone, and have to abide by their standard of integrity. I would be ready to say things will change . The truth will finally come out in the open. To effect change this must happen.

Nicolas Kilsdonk-Gervais Dear group, I have made this short documentary exposing the truth behind the ADHD phenomena. I hope you find it both interesting and informative.

Nicole Aybar   Orlando, FL     As a parent of two special needs children with autism this is horrible to me. Please realize how horrendous this old school way of thinking is. These kids need our support and not fear or pain tactics to try and become independent members of society.

Nicole Ferguson   Ecorse, MI      That is so inhumane, nobody deserves that...

Niels  Lung       Is it just me guys or should psychiatrists be in the mental institution themselves for giving false diagnosis? I mean isn't it a crime in a way? They literally destroy people's lives via deception and psychological manipulation! If I had done the same that they did as a citizen as person A against person B I think that we all know that that would mean at least going to trial if not some jail-time...this is how screwed the world is and how brainwashed they are to completely be unaware that the biggest criminals really do wear suits!

Nigel Wootton Mother takes legal action under the UK human rights act to free her son shackled in a psychiatric hospital for seven years  
Nigel Wootton   A teenager with autism was injected with anti-psychotic drugs despite his parent's plea to the doctors not to, because these highly dangerous and debilitating poisons caused life-threatening allergy in him. 
The doctors simply ignored the plea, and injected the teenage boy with the drugs inc. Olanzapine, who suffered an agonising and protracted death afterwards. 
Since the worldwide pharmaceutical industry makes $trillions in net profit from manufacturing and marketing anti-psychotic drugs, this activity looks perfectly respectable in the eyes of society and this is why the Coronor's court and the medical profession are in the pockets of the psychiatric industry of death. They have justified the killing of the teenage boy. 
This is not justice. It is institutionalised murder on a large scale. Survivors of the mental health system say compulsory psychiatric drugging MUST BE OUTLAWED. 
#BBCnews #AXJUKnews action for justice   адрес  Hitchin, United Kingdom      coalminernq  (Skype)

Nikki  Jimenez       ...But such curious musings were interrupted by the EMTs who then came in and asked me to get on the stretcher, which I did. Upon which I was strapped down, i.e. “restrained,” and carted off in an ambulance.
If I had any legal rights, I knew nothing about them. And the hospital cared even less about them. As a law student who has now become intricately familiar with disability and mental health law, I would like to share the legal rights I did have in the state of California and how they were violated from the very start.
“Upon admission to a facility each patient, involuntarily detained . . . or as a voluntary patient . . . shall immediately be given a copy of the [DRC] Patient’s Rights Handbook.” (California Welfare and Institutions Code 5325)
I would not find out that such a handbook even existed until my stay two years later at a private hospital in Berkeley.
It soon became clear that my “clever Seroquel trick” was actually pretty self-detrimental. While the sedative effect had worn off after a few days, the unpleasant side effects remained, so I told the nurse that I didn’t want to take Seroquel anymore. She said that when I saw the psychiatrist again in a couple of days I could discuss it with him. I made my request again that night. But like all nights and with all patients, she carefully watched to make sure I swallowed all my pills, even asking to see under the tongue... 

Noncompliant     I may submit it to MIA, but my main intent is for it to be told in my community, for the public and our local leaders to hear exactly what goes on with people who are considered incompetent, sick, and certainly incapable of convincing anyone of the aggregious disregard, humiliation, and violation of our rights that we experienced. Since the only voices that are elicited are those of the ‘so-called’ professionals, our voices are never heard, and truth is never told.
Thats what bothers me the most :
1. that I’m used and exploited to cover up their truly inhumane disregard for human beings, which becomes clear when there’s no one left to witness their behavior, when they isolate you and hang their label around your neck;
2. that the stigma of being perceived as ‘sick and deranged’, will create doubt in the minds of anyone I reach out to.

   Norseman Jacob    I was once a very extroverted individual. Always very open and confident, never afraid of what people thought of me. Intelligent, and articulate: I would comfortably hold conversations with complete strangers about any topic under the sun.  Then I was taken, abducted from my home and imprisoned. Ordered to be poisoned and imprisoned until my ideals and demeanor were broken down into submission to a system. Despite my knowledge that that system is funded and financed by Big Pharmaceutical companies to create customers out of healthy individuals, the entire experience changed me. I no longer am extroverted, but introverted, no longer confident, but now lack self-esteem. Fearful to make eye-contacted with anyone i interact with, and constantly struggling with alcohol. 
This is what forced psychiatric treatment did to me. They changed me from a bright, joyful, pleasant, interactive person: into a broken down quiet individual who doubts every instinct they have. 
Woe unto you if you put your children on psychiatric drugs of any kind. All of them are poison, all of them will harm their mind. The only treatment for psychological uniqueness is acceptance of diversity in the spectrum of the mind. A healthy diet, and a supportive environment

О  подавлении  в  Германии   psychiatry violence 

Nuntanit Bumrungsap    Bangkok, Таиланд      Psychiatry just addresses a few symptoms, which are merely indicators of deeper problems in the body. Many people are misdiagnosed, some of those people just have different mindsets, inner hurts, traumas and physical health problems. These should lead to all humans be prevented not being coerced into the harmful and mind-devastated psychiatric treatments. Psychiatric hospitalization makes people traumatic because they are not understood as a human being, and psychiatric drugs destroy human essence. They literally crumble the humans' soul and physical health. There literally are other ways of being understood, rather than psychiatric abuses of hospitalization and drugs.

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