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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. J

J    Psychiatry is threatened by any ideology that bests its ability to guide people. Because religions are thousands of years old and *PROTECTED BY OUR CONSTITUTION*, they are especially threatening to the quacks. My grandmother was a person of very strong faith, just like you are. No doubt, she would be a target of psychiatry, if she were alive today. Ironically, as much as psychiatry hates religion, it always metes out damning punishments to anyone who defects from society’s mainstream. And some would call that those punishments harsh, by biblical proportions.

J Lynn Fennell San Pedro, CA      Psychiatric coersion is in violation of Nuremberg code. Psychiatry violates human free will granted by Creator and in such, there is no more vile criminal offense.

  Jacob Norseman The true victims of modern societal bigotry. #feminism = #misandry

  Jake Sebastian   One thing I have learnt from meeting a lot of psychiatric survivors is that people labelled as "mentally ill" are often the kindest, most compassionate, and generally awake people you will ever meet. Says something about our society eh?
Bret Bohn’s family wants the public to know that it is not just children who are being medically kidnapped, being used as medical research lab rats, forced to take drugs, and being kept isolated from their families. They say it happened to their son, too. He was 26 years old at the time.
What began simply enough ended up in a 8 month long nightmare. Bret's mother Lorraine Phillips told Health Impact News that it was "medical torture" and a "horrific abuse of Government corruption and power." 

   Jake Sebastian    "Attention Seeking", "Obsessive", "Manipulating", "Emotional Blackmailing", "Paranoid" 
All of these type of terms are used to imply that the distressed person is the problem, not what has happened to them or their current situation. They are so commonly used, not just in psychiatry. We have a culture of blaming the victim: of shaming those who desperately need the support of others. 
  Instead of looking for something wrong in the behaviour of the person, it would be better to take them seriously, empathise and try to empower them to change the situation. In fact that seems the more natural thing to do, but somehow our culture has made it a taboo. 
  Jake Sebastian    I'm working as an advocate on the locked wards again and to be honest I am finding it very upsetting. The entire system seems to revolve around forcing/blackmailing/tricking people into taking anti-psychotics, there is a lot of window-dressing but essentially there is nothing else. Any resistance is seen as a lack of "insight". I am seeing all these souls in such need of compassionate non-judgemental understanding and they get the exact opposite. I know my presence helps people but how do I find the strength to continue working in such a system?

James Anderson    The inner warrior 

They are killing the inner warrior 
That which knows right and wrong 
Defined then to the story books 
In rhythm rhyme and song. 

The wrongs of our superiors 
Go uncontested by the mass 
The churches full of riches 
People freezing on the grass. 

Mental health abuses on the poor 
The infirmed and old as well 
Sanctioning the mentally ill 
To compound upon their hell…   Bath (England)   

James Ashley Nicholls   Our cultural values have been diluted and rendered meaningless in order to excuse the lies of those who cannot accept fault. These same people will then use this meaninglessness in order to further denigrate it, projecting onto it their pain/frustrations/failings as an out from accountability, and to justify whatever they want to believe as being legitimate. 

Moral relativism and post-modernist intellectualisations/rationalisations that there is no such thing as the truth or good/evil are the tools that narcissists use to excuse and legitimise the evil they do, due to an inability to accept personal fault or failure    
James  Jackson   psychiatry is evil and they are drugging people covertly in mainstream society see my channel for proof and witness testimonies that I have gathered myself!

JanCarol      “All of the famous men who sexually preyed on others and who’ve been revealed for the predators we now know them to be will be held accountable for their actions against others. ”
That’s optimistic. A few will be paraded out. Many of them will be convenient (we wanted to get rid of him anyway). A tiny percentage will be “caught.”   This is so obviously a culture, and the boys protect the boys. But in this you are right – at least it is something.
Those who are buried in “mental health” get blamed for being harmed.

Jana Clovek    Carlisle (England)    I refused to take medication in a hospital, my body my choice, then was illegally coerced under duress to 'comply' with having an injection of something, which is illegal because of the coercion and harassment, I acquiesced under duress out of fear, they extracted consent by torture much like the confessions of 'witches' who were brutally targeted by the sick sadist mercenary Matthew Hopkins, who was a money grabbing power mad freak! If you buy into this disgusting web of exploitation you are as guilty as the perpetrators, STAND AGAINST PSYCHIATRY. If you need ask God for protection, he cares about you, don't let these satanic creeps break your spirit! Jesus loves you all <3    
  I don't either, and yes legislation only changes if people challenge it, But currently the reality is that they have the law on their side, of course that's wrong, but its reality. Campaigning is a start, demos and art.

Jana Sors    MedIcal oath tells: "treat not harm". If they do harm why they are stIll practIsIng wthout any consequences?   Are psychIatrIsts allowed to come to churches where one of commandment says " do not harm"?

Jana Vegana    Carlisle  Anglia       Gonna commit suicide.    No exit, death is the only option. 

Jane C Kramer    Payson, AZ     This is NOT RIGHT! THIS IS ABUSE

  Jane Mclaughlin How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?” – Bob Marley I met Ken by my ...      

  Jane Rice Hello fellow survivors :) I’m doing a series of posts on the the various ways electroshock damages lives. I’m starting out with a loss of autonomy and subsequent predisposition for abuse due to shock induced brain damage. I’ve been abused and so have countless others. Many of us live in fear of homelessness and further abuse by psychiatry. We are often trapped in abusive entanglements because we have no other choice- disability payments aren’t enough to live on and social services to assist with the basic activities we can’t do anymore (like money management and transportation) are damn near useless- in part because brain damage from shock isn’t acknowledged.

If you’ve been abused post ECT and want your experience included in this important but scarcely addressed issue (anonymously is an option) email me at
Janet Beavington     they want to put my daughter on clozipine and she dont want to take this medication. Can she be forced against her will to take it?

Janet  Foner       My children were not born until a few years after I was in the hospital, so they did not know about it until I told them. My younger son immediately started crying. He was outraged that anyone could have treated me like that. My older son made a very insightful cartoon about how bad the mental health system is."

   Janie Sunny     Thank you!   ***WORLDWIDE STORIES WANTED*** 
The petition was heard in the Scottish parliament yesterday (Thursday). The petition comittee are inviting members of the public (world-wide) to continue submitting evidence about dependence on and withdrawal from psychiatric medication. The committee will reconvene to discuss matters further which were raised in the meeting. 
We need more submissions to highlight this huge world-wide problem with psychiatric drug dependence and withdrawal. 
Did your Dr warn you about the withdrawal effects? 
 Have pharmaceutical drugs harmed you? 
Have you had to give up work? 
-Submissions should be sent to: -State reference PE01651 in the subject line. 
-Not to exceed 3 A4 pages. 
-State if you wish to remain anonymous. 
These are the submissions that have already been uploaded: 
You can read the minutes of the meeting here: from page 27 onwards:

Jasmine Young   Palmdale, CA     Psychiatry is the most disgusting thing on the planet. This "profession" is a disease and needs to be eradicated.

Jasmine Yuzwak   Forgive me if this post is not appropriate to the group. But if you are opposed to your child being exposed to gender theory, which perhaps you don't even know what it is, I urge you as a parent to head to this page (linked) to see what all the fuss is about with the Safe Schools coalition program being rolled out nationally and to be implemented in every Vic school by 2019. Thanks   

I'm sharing this from another group. 

If you or your loved one were harmed by psychiatry and you want to hear your voice, please share your story with the scottish parliament and join to the below petition!!!! You can submit your evidence anonymously (but indicate it). They want to hear worldwide stories. Deadline is extended but I don't know until when so please if you want to contribute write them ASAP! 

Jasmine Fensler    Tangerine, FL      I'm signing this because individuals with special needs can't speak up against this. They deserve the right to be treated with the same amount of respect and love others without disabilities are treated with. Shocking them is a cruel punishment that should indeed be banned. I'm signing this so that those who do have special needs can grow up in a loving and caring environment with the proper care and support they both need and deserve.

Jason  Kalendek       ECT is physical/emotional/spiritual torture and the "gold standard" of psychiatric abuse.

Jayla Holmes       What to expect if your son withdrawals from antidepressants

Jb vintage    When he said "Bugger the money, it's the lives that count" I had to laugh because it's so true. Those drugs are very profitable but the profits are really not that important. What's the point of the video? Drug companies should not be manufacturing poisons and "doctors" should not be poisoning their patients.

Jean Ronsard   Barcelona       Behind the most absurd and groundless diagnosis there is always a history of marginalisation and of social and cultural exploitation, a history of family and affective crises.” The diagnosis itself is rejected on the same grounds of overweening power: “The power of the words of a psychiatrist is comparable only to the power of the words of a judge. Rather superior, because a judge is only one of the actors in a process with many participants. On the contrary the judgment of a psychiatrist can condemn a man directly to segregation without the necessity for a trial.”   Giorgio Antonucci | A life for the liberation of the powerless 
Antonucci's biography: 

Jeanne Smith But psych chemicals were invented in order to suppress dissent and enforce corporate slavery. We all have to shut up and just keep running the machines that make the rich richer. Anyone who complains is subject to drugging.  

Jeff schwersinske   milwaukee, WI   top all the Bad stuff,save earth

Jeffrey Andrew Winters As I've said earlier I'm not trying to offend anyone, but keep in mind, that this Blog is by a Friend of Mine with Mental illness who Passionately supports the Right To Die, Legal Doctor Assisted Suicide for the Countless People with Mental illness who will always want to die, No matter how much Treatment they Receive, My Mother had Bipolar Disorder before her death in 2014, she was 63, 63 was the age that Robin Williams was when He Killed Himself , There are countless People suffering in Silence, they want to die, but are Unable to, they are Afraid to ask for help in dying, because they will be labeled a "Danger to themselves" the Unspeakable Horror, and they will be Involuntarily Locked Up, 
What about the RIGHT TO DIE for People with Mental illness who want their Living Hell Nightmare Lives to End, We need to Legalize and Regulate Doctor Assisted Suicide in all 50 States of the U.S. and in Every Single Nation of the World, No one should be Forced to Live Against their Will, that is Morally Wrong and Torture, The Right to Die is for any and all Suffering People who want to die, 
Read this Blog 
My Mother said before her death that Psychiatrists are the Biggest Heartless Scumbags on the Face of the Earth, and that if they had the slightest Shred of Human Compassion and Empathy within them, they would work to Legalize Doctor Assisted Suicide for the Mentally ill ... 
The Key Word is Voluntary, only people who Request to Die would be Given a Legal Death with Dignity, We cannot speak of 
"Rights of the Mentally ill" Unless we address the RIGHT TO DIE issue, 
Over 90 percent of People who die by Suicide each year have a Mental illness, thus showing the Right to Die is also for the Mentally ill , and Remember the Right To Die Blog Below is by a Friend of Mine with Mental illness who Argues for the Right to Die for the Mentally ill,

    Jeffrey Andrew Winters    Yes, but My Mother who hated Psychiatry said to me that Psychiatry is Heartless and Sadistic with all it's Sick Unhealthy Obsessive 
"Suicide Prevention" Crap, and Forcing the Mentally ill to "Live" In misery against their will, click on and read this Blog, by a Friend of Mine with Mental illness himself who explains why the RIGHT TO DIE, Legal Doctor Assisted Suicide is for People with Mental illness who Request to Die and Give Explicit Consent, The Right to Die is for any and all suffering People who Request to Die, and Mentally ill often are Untreatable and often have it the Worst in Life, click on and read this blog, 

Jeffrey Rubin There is no diagnosing going on in psychiatry and perhaps it is time for psychiatry to stop claiming that there is as an excuse for labeling people with their jargon:  

Jeffrey Thomas   Nashua, NH  i wouldn't want this used on me

JeffreyC      Just think: that’s nothing compared to neuroleptics. I had numerous forced injections of neuroleptics as a child, and developed dystonia. Terrifying, torturous experiences that left me terrified even months (and even to this day when dealing with doctors, especially psychiatrists or even any part of the mental health system) after the symptoms of that brain damage wore off. Although symptoms of the brain damage from all my childhood drugging is still present and ruining my life, just be glad you didn’t get to be a psych kid 5-15 years later. Benzos in children in the 90’s? NO WAY! That’s a DRUG! They use that on the STREET! You would have gotten Haldol, an “anti-psychotic” “medication” that’s “oh so wonderfully helpful” and to this date people are considered delusional by the medical professionals if they disagree that neuroleptics are just the chemical lobotomies that they are. 

And yeah, all off this is happening to millions of children of this generation and the one before it. And don’t forget that ALL children are forced to take these drugs, since none of them are given a choice and will be coerced and even punished if they don’t. Now imagine all the “side effects”/damage and especially the permanent ones and how a child must internalize that given those circumstances. I gave up hope a long time ago that anything will change. Had MILITARY POWER not have defeated Nazi Germany, the whole world would just be glossing over and/or rationalizing or denying stuff like the holocaust and eugenics. It’s the way people work. As long as something is approved by the authorities in our society, it will continue to be and anyone against it is a wackjob.

Jen McConnell   Австралия     We all deserve respect & dignity. More so if afflicted with illness beyond our control. We all need to consult our moral compass. I strongly object to anything that doesn't meet the standard of would you allow this for your loved ones.

Jesse Dexter-Thornton   Aurora, IL I believe theyre human... just in a thicker shell

Jessica davis   Batavia, OH   I think the people who are employing these electric socks need to be shocked up to 30 times a day for a few years.

Jesus  Sanz   Мексика      Hay que evitar que la psiquiatría se utilice como medio para dañar a la población.

Jfreedom     … That was just the start of the torture they put me through.   My therapist supported the forced hospitalization, saying since I was dirty or wasn’t eating or something that somehow justified jailing me.  I wasn’t hurting anyone or using illegal drugs. The social workers at the hospital were even worse and the non-psych doctors also supported this charade. The ER doctors force injected me with 5 different sedatives at once, only because I was trying to escape that hell house…
My point is that no one is on the side of those of use ordained as victims of psychiatry, psychology, etc. Now I’m broke and homeless, my body is a shell of its former self and I haven’t slept in weeks.   When does this get better? I would never give them the satisfaction of hurting myself, but enough is enough, there must be a part of the FBI that can deal with the crimes committed against myself and others. Please tell me who I can report this to, there should be a tribunal and the penalties should be severe and archaic to match how I was treated.   

Jill Kesti   Ontonagon, MI     am very tired of seeing family, friends & myself fall victim to the "God Complex For Profit" via the pharmaceutical companies and other more powerful corporations....too many empathic people dying, too many children's brains being fried.

Jim Flannery    Free Webinar Recording we just ran: Voices for Choices - Organizing to End Forced Psychiatric Treatment featuring David W. Oaks, Jim Gottstein, Emily Sheera Cutler and hosted by Amber Jones

Joan Hunter   Los Angeles, CA    Please stop this barbaric treatment and be a voice for those who become victims to this treatment

Joana Carter   The story of a mother travelling from Hull to Sheffield every week to see her 13 year old daughter who was committed to a mental hospital.  

Jodi LaBorde-Little    Kenner, LA     I had no idea that this is still continuing today.....barbaric --FDA is ACCEPTING PUBLIC FEEDBACK in banning the use of shock devices on people with disabilities. please sign this petition

Jody  A  Harmon    "I'm a psychiatric survivor, and I don't use that term loosely. I have been stored in warehouses labeled hospitals. I have endured weekly lectures termed therapy. I have been zapped until my brain burns white. I have been held down, tied down, put down. I have had pills forced down my throat and needles plunged into my flesh. All this to make me 'normal,' a mold I will never fit."

Jody Serey   Glendale, AZ       I serve intellectually disabled adults. This is barbaric.

Johan Nygren       Psychiatric science should treat coercion and the monopoly on violence like any other pathogen, like a virus, bacteria, parasite, otherwise it becomes a tool for the monopoly on violence, with cowardly and neurotic "priests" who act as vectors for the spread of coercion as a pathogen, terrified to do actual science

johannes ott    e.g., Великобритания      I think that people have rights and that psychiatry abuse people's rights and needs to be stopped!

John Arndt    True story: Boston, summer, 1977, not long after I witnessed a nice but clueless 19 yr old music student fall for a psychiatrist who was clearly trying to sabotage an upcoming piano recital by prescribing him Stelazine and telling the kid not to take his first dose till a half hour before it   began, and despite my pleading I wasn't able to talk him out of it, I went lookng for an AA group that met in the same neighborhood mental health clinic where that #$%@?! shrink who prescribed that kid the stelazine worked. So I'm knocking on an unmarked door of the clinic that (not co-incidently?) was in the same building as a state unemployment office, and a slick-looking guy in a suit comes around the corner and asks in a very unctuous voice "may I help you?" So I say: "I'm just looking for the AA meeting." Hearing that, he puts on the creepiest hate stare and says to me: "Oh, Alcoholics Anonymous, huh? Well I'm a psychiatrist, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT?!?!" So without skipping a beat, I say to him: "That's a damn shame. I hope you mend your ways and get yourself an honest job." Then I just walked away without looking back. Decades later, I watched the film Generation Rx and I'm about 90% sure that one of the shrinks interviewed was that very guy. What a f*cking creep.

John Carter   Just back from one of my impulsive Direct Action acts on Your Way, Oxford Road Reading -the corrupt mental health 'charity.' The claim is that they support and assist the mentally distressed, though the reality is far apart from the spiel. The paid staff who do very little except serve to drum up referrals -by deploying paid staff to Ward Community meetings at Prospect Park Hospital in Reading, with the aim to secure a funding stream -which they achieve by signing up 'members' (victims) to go sit n drink tea (I can do that at home & do not need to be referred.) They won't forget me in a hurry. I know a trembling wreck when I see one. And issues relating to the Data Protection Act and losing paperwork containing sensitive and private information are another cause for concern about this charity which, in truth, should be investigated by the Charity Commission. My next port of call. Laters Rat fans.

John Hoggett     am sick of seeing friends who are seriously mentally distressed neglected and damaged by mainstream psychiatry. I am fed up hearing about people being detained, locked up and forced to take damaging medication before anyone has found out why they are distressed. I am angry about children being forced to take addictive psychoactive drugs by health professionals because no one could be bothered to work out why they are playing up.  

John Rikers    Greetings.  I am advised that I am permitted to read a statement prior to sentencing.  First, I would like to pay respect to Judge for the court, Assistant District Attorney for this case, my Legal Aid Defense Attorney and this court of law in the state and city of New York.  Also I wish to pay respect to my father who passed away this day of lung cancer.  Also thanks to my mother and any family and friends that decided to come despite my advice not to bother because I don't expect we will have opportunity to talk… 

John Rodgers   Wake Forest, NC   unreal!!not treatment, torture!

John Turvey   London     Heartbreaking Mental health professionals can do what they like disgusting. They think. they're above the law 
   We can change things by not agreeing with them and making your case sensibly. I have reported a Psychiatrist to the Police and my MP and the home secretary. Also you may think that Psychiatry is above the Law but its definitely not. nobody is above the Law they may think they are but there not.I do not look up to Psychiatry i do not support that cruel profession in any shape or form Psychiatry has lost my trust and i will NOT place my trust in mental health workers ever again

John Veremis    Saginaw, MI      Psychiatry today lacks empathy and is driven by psychiatrists gaining financial benefits from drug companies for prescribing medications and visiting their patients for five minutes or less. The psychiatrists see more patients per day and know little about their condition. Psychiatrists believe that they know their patient and assume their condition can never change by the patient's own cognition. Psychiatrists don't recognize the patient's spirit as being a positive entity in life.

Jon  Goral      Hospitalized on psychiatry? NEVER AGAIN !!

Jonathan Adler I have come to the conclusion that the purpose of antipsychotic drugs is to torture, cripple and disable the patient and thus render him/her less bothersome to society.  London  +44 7497 350490  

Jonathan Fishman    "Bara doctor ‘beats up mentally ill teenage’ patient Alex Mitchley 
A mentally ill teenage patient fell unconscious after he was beaten by a doctor at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, a reliable source employed at the institution has revealed. 
Moreover, reports have emerged that patients at the hospital were being restrained using bandages, instead of specially designed shackles. The use of bandages to restrain patients was alleged to have caused some of them to suffer bruising and nerve damage."

Jonathan Fishman    We all know that people will do things for money and that psychiatrists are no exception.   Psychiatrists are for hire. 
A professional is somebody who is paid by somebody else to do a job. Sometimes an individual hires a professional to serve his interests and sometimes a community or a society pays a professional to do tasks and implement societal values. 
"He who PAYS the piper calls the tune"! 
Psychiatrists and psychologists have a role in the market place, serve their employers and deliver whatever services are required of them. 
e.g. They are hired by wives who have conflicts with husbands, or husbands who have conflicts with wives. 
"He who PAYS the piper calls the tune"!  
  e.g. They are hired by communities to deal with individuals who are perceived to be troublesome, or they are paid by individuals to give them "therapy" in order to deal with the social stresses inflicted upon them by their communities. 
"He who PAYS the piper calls the tune"! ...

Jonathan  Henry      These days, attempting to navigate my way through life feels like swimming through quicksand. As I slowly recover from the aftermath of my run-in with psychiatry, I can only conclude that they are capable of being evil, legal drug pushers. What would compel a so-called “doctor” to prescribe a new class of drugs (SNRI) at 33.33% over the FDA ?
This “doctor” was in no uncertain terms gambling with my very sanity...      What protocol was he following that indicated it was okay to treat his patient as a lab rat?... 

Joran  Solberg     I agree.

Jordan Tabor   arlington, MA     Because they tortured me and my fiancée
Jose Perez   Holyoke, MA      I'm sighning because I believe in not abusing or hurting speciall needs people with anything, specifically because it is disrespectful and it is abusive and it hurts the person instead of controling the person. Basically controlling the person by scaring the person of getting shocked. I have seen it on the news how shocking was used.

Joseph Cecala   Golf, IL      I'm a lawyer that fights for the Constitutional Rights of institutionalized patients. The humanity of these people is utterly destroyed through psychiatric treatment being considered above the law.

Joseph Gamero   Hamilton, Канада     I think this is another way divised to take away our rights, by giving Phychiatrists the right to decide what and whom we are and, what rights aply to us!

Josech  Isaac      I believe that psychiatric treatment is the most destructive form of damaging the brain and the body for behavioral control by.  Psychiatry is spreading an epidemic of brain damage and drug addiction to humanity by suppressing all democratic rights of mentally distressed. As a Clinician and researcher, I am again and again convinced that psychiatric treatment is not medical treatment targeted to address the causes of mental disorders but a slow form of poisoning for abnormal behavioral choices people make when they are tormented with emotional stress.In the light of above reasons,I strongly object psychiatric coercion because that will inevitably result in the violation of human rights.

Joseph O'Malley    Runcorn, Великобритания      coercion is wrong on every level

Joshua 7   Haldol was used in the former Soviet Union to PUNISH PRISONERS & to BREAK THE PRISONER’S WILL. This drug is administered in ALL hospital intensive care units across the country. If you are judged to be delirious – the nurse can & will give you an injection of Haldol.
This drug made me very miserable 25 years ago. It sucked the spirit out of my life. I still feel the impossible akathesia. Please comment. Let’s get this human rights violation out in the open.

Joshua  Caudell     These psychiatrists are witch doctors who do nothing but drug up society.

Joshua King I cant believe what these drugs have done to me. Im losing my mind. This is such torture. Im so damn scared

Judith Cooper   Chicago, IL  I'm disgusted to hear that these devices are used on the weakest and neediest amongst us, all for the convenience of staff members.

Judy    I feel sick reading your all too common account of medical malpractice Meschelle.
Sadly, all Allopathic drugs (not just psych drugs) cure nothing, mask vital symptoms that alert us to what is wrong, create imbalances and cause real disease in the body. Worse, conventional “medicine” fails to find or address the underlying root cause of what is ailing us as you said. For many this has nothing to do with past trauma but is simply misdiagnoses of a “medical mimic” IE: thyroid or some 60 other diseases that are labeled “mental illness’s”.
I am happy to hear that you will be advocating to protect the millions who are misdiagnosed and mistreated (insurance fraud) by conventional “medicine’. We are in dire need of people who understand what is really going on and why despite wasting so much money on sick care, we suffer so much disease and continue turning to “medicine” as if it is the answer as opposed to the problem. If you are not already familiar, Dr. Kelly Brogan’s work will resonate with you.

Judy Gayton   Medicine Hat, Канада      The AMA withdrew their funding for the DSM5 because it lacked scientific credibility. The industry admitted that there is no such thing as a "chemical imbalance or brain disease". Misdiagnosis is insurance fraud. And yet the world sits idly by while millions are labelled with stigmatizing, discriminatory "mental illness's" and drugged with ineffective and dangerous neurotoxins so the medical system can profit. This is a crime against humanity, a fraud that most governments participate in that causes death, disease, disability, addiction, discrimination and discontinuation syndrome against the public health and safety for all ages. Please stop this crime by doctors practicing quack "medicine" to unjustly enrich themselves off people in normal trauma or suffering with real diseases that are being misdiagnosed.

  Jules Malleus   (Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of 
International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law)…    
Jules Malleus    A Melbourne mental health patient is suing a hospital and two doctors for assault, restraint of freedom of movement and trespass on his person after he claims they administered electroconvulsive treatment (ECT), once known as "shock therapy", against his will...

Julia          While our predilection for prescribing psychotropic medications goes on unabated, apparently unimpeded by concerns for long-term consequences, Terry Lynch sets out to caution us against psychiatry's biomedical paradigm of care. The resulting effects are found in the unsettling and largely overlooked issue of iatrogenic harm caused by prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal. A very pertinent book for our times.

Juliana Crane    Rocky Hill, CT      I'm disgusted that psychiatrists are still using this barbaric torture device that they themselves would never allow to be used on themselves.

Juliano      This shows me just how prevalent this toxic reductive myth is, which has us all reduced to chemicals and genes, and treated like robots/machines.
The underlying myth which fuels this culture and its institutions like the ‘mental health movement’— has it that we are machines, other species are machines, nature is a machine and even the universe is a machine. HOW the hell could the sensitive, and intelligent and aware person NOT go mad in such an oppressive scenario? This reminds me the quote of Laing’s I was reminded of yesterday: ‘insanity can be a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.’

Julie Greene   Watertown,, MA     I, Julie Greene, was a promising music student of Jewish upper middle class roots, who originally, in 1981, approached mental health clinicians about an eating disorder. I found these doctors, who were only moderately intelligent, grossly overestimated their supposed god-like ability to not only cure me, 
but to foresee a murky and hopeless future for me,.. 
  The result? My career was stolen from me. My family, which was healthy to begin with, is now split up. My body's vital organs are damaged from the supposed cures. and worse, they actually FORGOT I had an eating disorder! Maybe that coercion was not such a great idea, now that I look back, some three and a half decades later. Please do not even walk into their offices. Do not ask for help, do not believe for one minute that "doctor knows best." YOU KNOW BEST what is right for you. To trust those "professionals" to guide me was the one biggest mistake of my life. Turn it around, while you still have a chance.

  Julie Huntington    we are not doing this to help people but to shut them down
Julie Huntington     As a society we should be ashamed that we continue to allow these injustices to continue. We don't speak about them and then we do want to speak about these issues it is too late ...stop this coercion

Julie Leonovs “Life is pain, Princess.
Anyone who tells you different is selling you something.”
– Dread Pirate Roberts, in “The Princess Bride”
Everywhere you turn, you see “OCD, ASD, MDD, ADD, ADHD, BPD, GAD, PD, SAD, PTSD, NPD,” etc. The problem is not limited to this acronym soup, but the pseudo diagnoses they represent. Patients today get stained by the specious medical diagnoses of biological psychiatry. And furthermore they are brainwashed to believe that these fictitious brain ‘diseases’ are genetic. Biological psychiatry treats people like they are mechanical objects, renaming them almost as they are re-branding products. The one I like the best is the renaming of ‘manic-depressive’ to ‘bipolar.’ Instead of a name which accurately describes the states of suffering, it was turned into something mechanical — a battery with two poles. We’ve gone from something human to something Frankensteinian… 
Julie Pence    OH     I am horrified that torture is being used on special needs kids.

Julieta perez   Glen Ellyn, IL  this is a form of torture, not discipline! this doesn't help correct their behavior; this is abuse

Julio César Rodríguez Rodríguez   maracaibo, Венесуэла     Please, help us stop this atrocity against human beings. Exclusion of psychiatrist of medical field is extremely needed. 
Si estás en contra de las atrocidades que los psiquiatras y sus enfermeros cometen contra las personas con problemas mentales, recluidas en centros donde son constantemente víctima de la violencia verbal, física e incluso sexual (Sí, esto es lo que ocurre dentro de los "manicomios") , por favor firma esta petición. No te quedes de brazos cruzados, aporta tu granito de arena, lucha por la protección de los derechos humanos. Difunde.

  Юрий Прийма    Благовещенск, Россия      Подписываюсь под петицией потому что и самого по сфабрикованному диагнозу оборотнями в белых халатах Российские власти хотят лишить дееспособности и поместить насильно в Психоневрологический диспансер…    И это не единичный случай беспредела властей России с использованием карательной психиатрии по отношению к гражданам своей страны, Так например смотрите здесь
  И это только три примера, а сколько их в действительности!  Сколько  пациентов «оборотни в белых халатах» умышленно сделали «существами с обликом человека но разумом «ОВОЩА» т.е ведущими вегетативный образ своего существования.
Поэтому скажем своё веское – НЕТ КАРАТЕЛЬНОЙ ПСИХИАТРИИ!!! Сегодня одних насильно помещают на «лечение» а завтра на их месте можете оказаться и Вы.

Just  4  Fun     Psychiatry has the “cure” for every mental illness. They just give U electrochokes, make a hole in your skull and remove a piece of your brain and U R “cured” ; as simple as that. You’re not gonna be the same but it doesn’t matter, as long as U or your insurance pay the bill; no problema!. Next victim,  I mean next patient and the money piles on the psychiatrist account.

  Jyoti Deo   Listened to as much of On Point on NPR as I could stand. People don’t know what they’re getting into if we have regular screenings for depression. It’s horrid. People are going to walk blindly into an abusive system like sheep.   
Jyoti Deo    Human rights come first. Forced treatment needs to be abolished. If we really want to help people focus on social determinants (e.g. education, housing, food, jobs).

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