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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. I

Ibrahim Hublou Imagine this man had been put on antidepressants, locked up,... 
"In 1927, after the construction company failed, Fuller was unemployed and contemplated suicide, but he had a remarkable realization. Deciding that he had no right to end his own life, he concluded that he had a responsibility to use his experiences and intellect in the service of others. As a consequence, he spent nearly two years as a recluse, deep in contemplation about the universe and how he could best contribute to humanity." 

Icagee      I am a doctor. I don’t think any patient should ever have anything done to them against their will. A forced catheterization is an assault. Placing someone in restraints is an assault unless circumstances require it. Forced medication is an assault. A forced psychiatric exam is an invasion of privacy. I don’t think psychiatric treatment should be forced on anyone. Any patient should be able to say no to any unwanted treatment. These stories illustrate some serious problems with medical care in the us and it needs to change.

Ilsa Hummingbird     Just wanted to share my experience of forced psychiatry. How can you diagnoze someone as psychotic when they are experiencing no hallucinations/ disassociation from reality/ not hearing voices and are just scared for their life e.g ' paranoid'. And how can someone be hospitalized & treated against their will when they are not a danger to themselves or others. This happened to me on several occasions ( once it had happened once, it started happening to me based on my previous record) & it was a gross injustice. And placing me on anti-psychotic drugs has been devastating morally, physically & psychologically for me. I live like an emotionless zombie. I still remember reading my medical report & seeing, feeling how they twisted every single one of my words & actions in the hospital against me. ' This is not a hospital' & ' The Staff are all actors', my attempt at sarcasm & criticism of the incompetency of my surroundings & the staff were twisted into disassociation from reality. My anger at being detained like a prisoner behind locked doors, not allowed even to go on walks & treated for a disease I did not feel I had & despite me showing no signs of mental distress, anger which expressed itself at me trying to defend myself physically whenever they forced medication upon me was treated as 'violence' & ' lability of mood', taken in contrast to the times when, like any normal human being for a moment I wasn't angry & able to distract myself somehow from the tragedy of my situation. My ( reasonable) fear for my life, based on my cultural background, an actual threat said to me back home &, I thought, in response to my priveleged background, was dismissed as paranoia and delusions of grandeur. They even tried to say I thought I was someone else when I said ' I'm Iggy Pop' once because he'd been sectioned as well in his life & because I identified now with his life. I've been labelled as 'incurable' & ' paranoid schizophrenic' even though the fear for my life has been gone now for over a year & they think I can't do without drugs, even though 1 1/2 years I spent in & out of hospitals on drugs & it did nothing for my fears. The only thing which made me stop being afraid for my life was the greater fear of being put on a Community Treatment Order if I didn't take medication & stop going on about being afraid. They coerced & bullied me into saying I'm ill, taking medication etc but I will not give in. I want to get a second opinion. A third and fourth if a second won't do. And if that doesn't work, I intend to go to the press with my story. I urge everyone who has ever been hospitalized against their will on here to do the same. We need to speak out in the press about our experiences if this torture & cruel treatment of us is ever going to change. It violates the UN code of human rights, right to liberty & right to freedom from torture & right to a private life. Don't be silent.

Initially NO   'A psychiatrist' is not the name of a profession, it is a word that can only be used in the same way as 'a racist'. If a person is being psychiatrist and/ or using psychiatrism, they need to be told to stop being so offensive. Psychiatry needs to die, rather than kill off humanity, psychiatry really, really, really needs to die, then the world can start thinking with more authenticity than they're used to being allowed.
Initially NO   FreeGarth protest Melbourne

Ioanna Masoulas   Мексика     I know how harmful it is, at it a complete violation to every single right we have as people.   Besides,  IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK!      

Ирина Белоусова   Москва, Россия       Психиатрия это мучение людей и издевательство. Она убивает веру человека в себя и почти полностью разрушает человеческие жизни я уже не говорю о человеческом достоинстве. Это до невозможности унизительно и больно.

  Iris Waters   I went to get rediagnosed for PTSD after skipping out on the false promise of help in our mental health system for a couple years after a previous PTSD diagnosis and getting no real help. 
  I told a psychiatrist that my mother had a bad reaction to psychiatric drugs when I was about 10, and that it made her lose her mind even further and try to chop her arms and legs off in the middle of the night. despite hearing this traumatic childhood soon as I said I was there for diagnosis and recordskeeping purposes, and did not consent to taking pharma drugs....I was immediately dismissed. she made a snide comment about not being there to be a "record keeper" and dismissed me. so I guess it is ok for her to use me for records and billing, but not ok for me to use her for valid medical records. just like the pediatricians dismiss parents who say no to vaccination product...once they see their billing opportunity is fucked you are nothing to them and dismissed.      

Ivana Foley   Colorado Springs, CO     This is not treatment it's torture!

Izzy  Pound       We need help in New jersey .places like Rutgers mental health will be glad to facilitate these draconian methods of torture and civil rights violations .I personaly have been locked down and forcefully chemically experimented on numerous is torture !

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