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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. H

Heather Shields   Lebanon, OR      Omg... this is unbelievable!! I have no words. Please stop this. This is monstrous!!

Hélène GRANDBOIS    Sutton, Канада     Il est important pour moi de signer et partager cette pétition car je vois régulièrement des infractions graves aux droits des citoyennEs dûs à un pouvoir exhorbitant offert par nos états au jugement psychiatrique. Cette situation a des conséquences très graves sur les droits humains en général et sur la vie des citoyennEs en particulier. Et de cette façon aucune véritable réponse n'est donnée à leur souffrance. L'internement involontaire possible maintenant dans nos communautés a un effet dévastateur sur les personnes qui le subisse et rarement constitue-t-il une réponse à leur véritable problème. Cette façon de faire n'endigue aucune souffrance elle permet seulement à ceux qu'elle dérange de s'en dégager.

Haley  Polph       society creating stupid expectations, expectations which are unreachable, when they are failing to be reached, society then deems these humans as deviant or unruly so therefore must be mentally ill.. so lets give them chemicals to make them better humans, for a better society!  stupid is stupid and this is stupid!  humans are agents of free will and should wake up to the world of medicalisation! the only ones who truly benefit from medicalisation are the pharmaceutical companies!! Szasz is right in so many ways, but I will not agree completely, I do believe in certain aspects of Mental illness, whereas some are just routes for escapism and allowing blame to be put onto a 'condition' rather than free choice!

Helpstillneeded     Glad you made it. I was not so lucky. My story began like yours but back 50 yrs when I was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic and dosed with everything under the sun including Haldol which gave me seizures at work. I was just a very very sensitive boy in a very dysfunctional family where I was labeled the sick one. I ended up dropping out of college with a nervous breakdown. I struggled back without meds and eventually accomplished many things but took on the victim role replicating my family for the rest of my life and always went back to meds thinking that there was always something broken in me when I ran into trouble. I’m now a 65 yo disabled professional who has lost everything. I hope others learn from our stories.

    Henrik Bo Bentzenen   An official Danish patients group , has reported a Psych. to the Police. The Police take this very serious. He is reported to the Police , for for killing his patient…  

   Hermine Agnes    Please support Garth Daniels: in Supreme Court, 210 William Street on Tuesday , 22 March 2016 - To STOP Involuntary ECT/Shock treatments. 
Specific time will be available after 4.30pm on Supreme Court Listing website.
The Attorney General has intervened as there appears to be questions of mixed fact and law which may have been misinterpreted and which has culminated in an unlawful detention of Garth under the Mental Health Act 2014(VIC).
The Human Rights Commissioner is also present in order to investigate and review possible infringements of Human Rights as a result of the treatment administered and applied to Garth. Garth Daniels is objecting to "involuntary ECT/shock treatment" over 70 ECT's and still continuing by staff at Upton Hospital (Eastern Health).
The most recent shocks having been administered Friday 18 March 2016.
Visits by Garth's father is Banned based on trumped up allegations without proof of evidence.
Visits by Garth's friends/relatives are banned.
Only his brother and mother can visit

Hilary Day    Waynesboro, VA     The institutionalized torture of our fellow human beings is barbaric. I watched my son descend into a zombie-like state after his coerced chemical "treatment". I believe that doctor committed a vicious crime against my son by injecting him with a dangerous drug that has unpredictable adverse side effects.

Historian  Lithuania       What can we do about it ???

Howard Dully    Do you not believe that we are all "mentally ill" to different degrees in that we all have quirks about us in some for or other ?

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