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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. E

      Ebl   Dear Chris,   Please accept my condolences on the death of your daughter. Losing a child is just the worst, for whatever reason, but to lose one in this way just compounds the grief, in my experience – having lost my only son to profound hyperglycemia from Zyprexa ( a side effect hidden by the company – Eli Lilly – for the sake of profit).  Though these executives were never tried in a court of law, perhaps they will carry the burden of guilt in their hearts – if they have hearts, that is – forever.

Econoroller     I am her friend for life and nothing like that will ever happen to her again so long as I am still breathing...I go WITH HER when she goes to the doctor now, and if I see any BS, I I confront them right then and there and set it are right about sadistic psychiatrists, and I have seen it firsthand. People need to stand together and take away some of the blind faith they have in doctors, they are only humans, and humans make many, many mistakes (even the ones with a degree)

Edu     I have tried calling lawyers a few times. A lot of people who have ever been accused of as 'mental patients' try this. They won't even take up your case.

Eddy  Weddy        We are so worried! The patients are prisoners of medications! the damage is there, they will stop they will know, please please don't tell my patient!!
Let our patients die so we can forget and move on...
They will live shorter and have multiple disease, yes 90% of them should have been healthy we screwed it for them, we are fookers.

Edward Konowicz     I wish psychiatry was the only major injustice in our culture, but it isn't. Whether we look at the millions of lives destroyed or seriously damaged by US and British foreign policy or the US police brutality, the overuse of vaccines, the lack of jobs for those who want at least livable part-time work, or the greed and theft done by white-collar crime, we realize that psychiatry is just one of the symptoms of a pathological culture. But it is not just our culture, but most, if not all, human cultures for thousands of years that have been brutal, dishonest, and oppressive. The problem with psychiatry like war is that it has been glorified and held up as humanitarian. This used to be done with barbaric cruel religion. Now science has replaced religion providing fraudulent justification for human torture disguised as humanitarian gestures. The result of this is often outrage in those with enough reason and empathy to see the contradictions. But the outrage creates a "frequency" or state of being that seems to attack targeting. 
   What most people miss is that evil often dresses well and acts with grace gaining much support, while those outraged are seen as the problem. Part of the problem is that those with compassion and a concern for justice often lack the language skills of those who exploit and demean. Whether we like it or not, what is wrong and harmful often has more group support than what is ethical.

Ekaterina  Netchitailova     I am sitting in a chair in a meeting room in a psychiatric hospital. I have been here before, many times, and yet, every time I expect something different. I always hope for a better treatment, some compassion, some sort of a dialogue. The hospital in itself isn’t bad. The food at least is absolutely fantastic. They feed you five times a day, and even have theme nights: Indian on Tuesday, Chinese buffet on Saturday, coffee and tea come unlimited. Biscuits and sandwiches in the evening. One would forget about being stuck in a psychiatric hospital, if not for the fact that I am here totally against my will. I made a mistake. I called emergency services when I felt that I was in psychosis and after spending twenty-four hours in the emergency department, finally got a visit from a psychiatrist and two other assessors…   

Elicia  Clegg      We live during scary times.  If you are can never be unlabeled.  It is hard to get this information out there because 1 in 5 Americans already take the sad.

Elisabeth Friis Andersen   Herning  USA   varemaerke  (Skype)      Tasteless, oderless, undetectable neuroleptics, specifically designed to drug people unknowingly. 
If there's a true danger, it's not really "paranoia", is it?!   

Elizabeth Morales Barcelona, Испания       Stop this inhumane act!!!

Ellie Jasper    We live in a world where criminals have more help and opportunities than they're victims   #TRUTH

  Em Thomson   I am sorry if this comes out as an attack on the medical profession. It really is just an extreme rant that been building up for months now. I'm fed up of getting brushed off by the doctors. I'm have been to them because of feeling exhausted all the time, losing weight without trying (2 stone this year alone) etc. At first, the weight loss was quite a nice feeling... but now I'm losing a few pounds a week and I will have no female shape left soon. Size 8 clothing is quite baggy on me now. I have a size 10 coat that swamps me and feels so much more bulky than it ever has when I was a bigger size 
  Em Thomson   Hi. I'm trying to drum up some support to attempt to amend the harassment laws that were enacted in 2007. This is to prevent those with learning difficulties, autism and other related conditions from being criminalised under this law. I'm not a bad person; but being labelled as a criminal due to things that are related to my form of Autism. I never went out to cause any harm. I've never followed anyone. I basically have got criminalised for trying to make friends. I've never physically harmed anyone. I only may have emotionally affected people due to the fact I'm very honest about the depression my Autism causes me and other aspects of my life (brutal non censored honesty is a factor within Autism/Aspergers). I am purely socially younger brained (e.g. like someone half my age - people with higher functioning autism seem to neurologically develop slower which causes social problems). I have suffered lack of employment (due to being labelled as a criminal) - never had paid employment and also have been turned down many times for voluntary positions due to this label. I have experienced horrifically degrading, horrendously ignorant assumptions from many professionals involved in my case since the label was given…. 

Ember2460 Harrington   Thank you Thank you Thank you! Youre a Godsend.   The horrors of their deception is immeasurable.

Emily Dinsmore   There should be no statue of limitations for child abuse that CPS was aware of but prevented to protect me and my siblings from. I'm so frustrated for what has happened to me and my siblings and no one seems to give a shit. My abusers can keep on abusing and I'm told to go to counseling. What a joke! Again I am labeled the problem. I'm in tears.

Emily Warnecke    Pullman, WA     This is torture! It is barbaric, inhumane, and a completely unacceptable way to treat a human, especially helpless children. This type of treatment does nothing to help special needs kids, it only hurts them and makes them fearful.
Emily Wasserman   Coram, NY  I havery been personally impacted by this. I was forced into shock "treatment" which gave me brain damage, epilepsy, memory loss and impacted my life on a whole. I could no longer go back to school, I had to relearn basic life skills, I forgot people in my life and so many major life events. It made living difficult. Change needs to happen. Humans need to be treated equally and this torture and inhumanity must end.

Emma Jones   Blackpool, Великобритания      I think this is disgusting and just an excuse to abuse people in need of help! What is the world coming to...very disturbing.

Emma McMurphy We’re not dysfunctional or bad just because there are two of us in here. What’s more important than being a socially acceptable single person is that we know how to get along and manage our trauma and our life together. Knowing this, we now strive to advocate for other systems and reach out to those that may not understand systems, to show that existing as we do is okay and that we can learn to navigate the world by cooperating. We don’t need the psychiatric system or its labels to allow us to exist, or to try to fix us. We just need to be accepted as we are."   Alhambra  California   emilyscutler(Skype  

Emily Wasserman   I havery been personally impacted by this. I was forced into shock "treatment" which gave me brain damage, epilepsy, memory loss and impacted my life on a whole. I could no longer go back to school, I had to relearn basic life skills, I forgot people in my life and so many major life events. It made living difficult. Change needs to happen. Humans need to be treated equally and this torture and inhumanity must end.
encephalopathycauses-smi        I do not approve of the schizophrenia label and I feel it should be abandoned. 
Psychiatric labels are nothing more than descriptions of a broad range of thoughts, moods, behaviors, emotions, etc. perceived to be “abnormal”. 
I am also speaking for individuals who were not seeking help in the first place, but found themselves locked up on psych wards anyways.
It is the state that sanctions forced treatment, not me.
This is what I am advocating against.   

Eraina DeLong     Gordon, GA    Stop this horrific practice right now!

Erica Sanchez   Wyoming, MI    I can't believe this is even a thing... how can those people sleep at night??

Erik   Hietland       Hi, I took psychiatric druggs for about 26 years, and I really can say I reconise all your words a lot. A truth a lot of people don't know about. Some people may be thinking it's not that bad ... but it is. I can say that psychiatric druggs destroyed my life after years of expiriance. If I put one pill of amitriptiline on my tong for a minute, .. I can't feel my tongue anymore. And that's what they give to children. They don't know. And thát's what has to change. Thank you for beying so brave to share this video with the world.

erin321     sorry for your experience. but a choice between such “hospitals” is a choice between horrible and terrible. to really fight, you must dig inside yourself and realize that all of psychiatry, the dsm, all of it, is built on a stack of lies, with no credibility. hence no one should ever be locked up, anywhere.
the myth of mental illness is behind all of the “imprisonment.” know there is nothing “wrong” with you. everyone has deep struggles and inner fights, and they do not make you insane or in need of drugs.

Eternity Justice   Melbourne, Австралия     I personally am a survivor, so far of it's brutality.  How quickly people have put the holocaust from their minds, psychiatry did not start killing in 1939 nor finish in 1945, it started long before & the holocaust is still very active.  The only difference, psychiatry has seitched from hunting the vulnerable to pharming them.

Eva Bettan Johansson Is there any people in this group, who are genuinely trying to be a voice against psychiatry, who can suggest another group? There are too many people in this group, who are not trying to make a difference for a good outcome, when it comes to improving mental wellness. I can see that people who are directly bullying others, as well as promoting illegal drugs, remain in this group. Promoting illegal drugs, is not speaking up against psychiatry. If anyone can suggest a group, which is taking professional action against psychiatry, as well as suppotting victims of pshchiatry, I will leave this group.   Brisbane  Australia 
Eva Bettan Johansson Heads up! This group is not what it claims to be. It allows promotion of illegal drugs and bullying towards individuals. I, as well as others have asked moderator to do something about it, but nothing happens. It gives people who are victims of psychiatry a bad name.

   Eva Maria Ramos   The fact that it's keeping me awake and making me feel constantly ill means that I can't go on like this much longer. I know the whole truth and have tried to tell other people but they won't … 
If this what is to come and its enforce on so called no compliant patients we are all doomed  

Evelyn Raezer Emmett,   ID We have truly gone insane as a nation. How can God possibly be on our side. We abuse our disadvantaged citizens.

Everyday      are real! Stay away from "mental health"

Ethan Hawkins    Brattleboro, VT    This is disgusting! It is illegal to do this to convicted criminals yet JRC can do this to children?! As a person on the autism spectrum I am committed to helping speak out against abuses of those who cannot speak for themselves, often by those who think they are speaking for us only to "help" us. This is torture, abuse, cruelty, and needs to be stopped immediately and these youths need proper therapeutic care as well as any and all help necessary to heal as much as possible from the trauma they have been put through (all at the cost of JRC). JRC frankly, should be closed.

EttaMae Svider   Cottomwood, AZ   This is just SICK......Do it to the ones that are inflicking this torture on them & see how they like it!!!!!

Euan Dunlop So if the police do nothing and someone dies, its all on them. Yet doctors go on strike of choice but if someone dies its NOT their fault by their actions?   Is this the privileged entitlement culture pushed through the universities raising its very ugly head for all to see. 

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