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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. C
December 31st, 2017
   Cała Polska…      73 lat temu oprawcy z UPA zaczęli to bodaj najokrutniejsze w dziejach świata zabijanie. Zabijali tak strasznie, żeby nie tylko martwi milczeli, ale i żywi nie byli w stanie o tym opowiedzieć.  

Cameron E    YES!!! Ban ECT absolutely!!! inhumane and dead wrong "no pun intended"... their is no medical scientific evidence to show ECT as having any benefit at all unless you like having your memory damaged ,because thats the most common aftermath most people who have had ECT report. And that's if your lucky ECT performed on the wrong person can and dose kill...this is health care gone insane!

Cameron Ellwood    Австралия     all forced psychiatry is a crime against humanity.. my own government here in Australia needs to acknowledge this and abide by our recent ratification of the UN's Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities.. Thank You!

Candy Cline      Because I believe in Human Rights. Life's are being destroyed by sheer quackery and monetary gain

Candice  Blake    Thank you for being so courageous in speaking out about this atrocity. God Bless You Toby Watson!

CaptObviousX     sorry to burst the bubble, but the DSM reflects the society. it only labels what society already labeled. until the 70's homosexuality was in the DSM as a mental illness, because society labeled them as sick.

Carlo Sanders   Нидерланды       i have a criminal wrong diagnose (paranoide schizofrenia) and threatment.

Carly Schoushkoff   Speaking about religous views today and everyones oponions its prompted me to think that physchiatry is a cult created to damage people. Damage their thoughts and minds so that the industry creates themself a job.....the number of medical staff i had from mental health on me confirms that its just an industry creating work for themselves. Drugs dont make anyone better at all. They just make things worse.

//Carly Schoushkoff  De sexes you too those injections. What kind of drug gets rid of your sex drive makes you gain enourmous amount of weight makes your hair go wiry and block your dopamine so you get no reward in anything u do!!!!!! What and who in their right mind says that fixes a panick attack cause you like me was paranoid my technology had been hacked. Who in their right mind invented such poison. Ill tell you who NAZI germany in the experimental camps. This ruined my life and did not make me better at all. Not at all.

Carol  J  Patterson    The truth is, you can't heal me without my cooperation, you cannot. There's no such thing as forced healing.

Carol Noyes      The diagnosis of mental illness was disempowering and devastating to my sense of self-worth. Others saw me as being unable to make sound decisions for myself.   My psychiatrist told me I would probably have to be on drugs for the rest of my life.  My sense of hope for a natural recovery slowly withered away. All authority and control over what was going on with me was given to the psychiatrist…
The lithium caused many side effects. It made my hands very shaky and later I developed nerve damage throughout my body and suffered from fibromyalgia. Additionally I had headaches, nausea, vomiting, decreased sexual appetite, and weight gain. Seroquel was eventually added to my list of medications…

CAROLYN silvers Crescent City, CA     I can't believe it's even necessary to have a petition for this. It's barbaric.

Carolyn walker   Ottawa, Канада      I'm signing because I was a very competent physician who's life is now ending due to continued abuse and malpractice by psychiatrists and other physicians since 1987,
due to our lack of training in the effects of trauma and
PTSD. Unless you have someone who has your back, they will do anything they want as your diagnosis is completely subjective and is actually a reflection of their own countertransference. This is horrifying. Being a single woman makes you particularly vulnerable

Catherine Birch    Does anyone here have experience of child & adolescent psychiatric units in the 60`s? What was it like for you? For me it was the stuff of nightmares, being removed from society for months on end in somehting resembling a zoo. Being told that the only goal in life was to "get better", whatever that meant! 
Catherine Birch    I served time in an adolescent psychiatric unit for school phobia & other emotional issues when I was in my early teens. After the unit, I spent time in a halfway house for teenage girls like me. The warden was a sleaze who was always pawing me & making me feel uncomfortable & unsafe with innapropriate comments on my appearance & about sex in general. I ran away from this place after he threatened to see to it that I was sent back to the unit if I didn`t sleep with him.Some months later, I was at a drop in centre in the Portobello rd, Notting Hill, & one of the social workers called me into the office for a chat. When I got there, there was a psychiatrist waiting to interview me! Apparently I`d been traced by the police, & they wanted me to be declared of unsound mind so that I could be sent back to the adolescent unit, or some other mental institution where they could keep me under control. I ran out of there & never went back. If I`d allowed the psychiatrist to interview me, I`d have ended up spending my life going in & out of psychiatric hospitals for years, probably for the rest of my life because I`d be too institutionalised to cope on the outside.

Catherina Cudlipp   I cannot figure out what my psychiatric team want from me, from experience they want their patients to act a certain way , a way patients need to figure out themselves when they are at their lowest  the team seam to have a script on what way they want their patients to respond to them and I can’t work that way  in the past I have been dragged along the floor down the hallway by a nurse in Newcastle to the canteen and felt bullied into apologising to her for not being compliant. . i really had hoped this had changed   upon return many years later (2015), I may not have been dragged upon the floor to the canteen but most definitely bullied to go down, by many different nurses. I was pulled, hunted down like a naughty child and I had no food at all, for 5 days. all due to not being able to make it to the canteen. All I needed was someone to help me, but was told nurses where too busy. My fault to expect help in a hospital. 
- I was reprimanded because I was not able to approach the nurses to chit chat, when this time would have been better spent helping me to canteen. 
- I felt I had to talk about anything and nothing to the nurses to be a good complaint girl 
. to be told by a psychiatrist whom has no idea who I am that “you run in front of trains any time you have a problem” is ignorance to the highest degree 
. i was also told by one of the team that I was selfish to call my doctor instead of stepping in front of the train . 
. I’m being told that I’m not being compliant because during my deepest darkest hour that I did not figure out what my doctor expected from me and act accordingly ( well give me a God dame manual) not only did I not get a manual on how I was supposed to be but I got very little time to study = failure   I feel bullied by my psychiatric team an can’t go back

Catherine Hammond    Saint Peters, MO     I was wrongfully over medicated on psych drugs for 15 years and I knew it in my late 20s but it took me years to do my own research and read book by a good psychiatrist and prove it and finally go off the drugs in May 2011 and my life has improved everyday. Unfortunately, I learned that my obedience to lies stole my life and my Mom is the real criminal here who lied to me and also over medicated me with doctors help so I am anti my mom right now and angry at the life stolen from me.

CatNight    It is important to know the curve and trajectory of history but there are slot of gaps like maybe Bedlam? And the Dalem Witch Trails right up in your state. One reason was possible Ergot poisoning. That is worth a blog right there.
I think one reading one of these articles it would help to know many many states had institutions like these and many are still alive who were in them or like mevisted and or did volunteer or fieldwork in them. All of the ruined buildings are places for the kids to go in and get scared.
Matter of Fact there was a big movement just awhile ago about this very topic. Halloween and the insane asylum for fun and profit. No.   The point on the graveyards.   

Chaim Goldberger   Los Angeles, CA     As a father of 2 Autistic sons I find this deplorable!

Charles Hughes    I grew up in a children's orphanage (Children's Baptist Home of Southern California) in Inglewood, CA. It was during the height of the cold war during the late 1950's & early 60's. Those where some really hectic and stressful times for all in North America particularly in Southern California. We would have all night evacuation drill to prepare us for evacuating in the event of a Chinese invasion. It may be hard to believe now days but in '54 thru '67 everyone in So-Cal was warned that the Chinese would land on So-Cal coast in masses of millions of armed Chinese that would kill us all in our sleep. Also there was the stress a Russian threat of an impending nuclear holocaust. Us children never knew if we would wake up the next morning. We were told by the staff of the orphanage that in the event of an invasion that they, our house parents, would do the compassionate thing and kill us all in our sleep…

Chel Stith LA, CA   It is brutal and a human rights violation

Cheryl Lynne Robertson   Melbourne  Australia      Heartbreaking to find out your son has been forcibly injected with same drug that causes him to hallacuinate , become aggressive on after the hospital agreed to wean him off that drug do the gene s test to find out what drug would suit him best with the least side affects, and then to top it off when he becomes irritable to inject him with another drug that should be used in extreme caution with the drug they have just given him , heart breaking is an understatement

Cheryl Prax   Protest is still on tomorrow even though Garth has a reprieve we don't know how long for - the hospital are appealing as they want to continue electroshock. Please tell everyone that there is no cause to celebrate. I bet money that in a few days Garth will be shackled and shocked under `emergency' rules.  They MUST win, Is incidental, the protest will do nothing, John and maybe I, will write meaningful articles for the already informed people who read Mad in America and everyone will feel warm and committed and NOTHING will change for Garth. They are manipulating his meds, who knows how Dr Mckay will goad and pressure him, the nurses, already complicit, will push and maybe abuse him until he erupts with the symptoms of the brain injury he so clearly has, which will justify their extraordinary conduct and soothe the consciences of the various `official' bodies who are looking very, VERY bad right now. I have NO FAITH!"

Charlton Butler What more needs to be said, about a profession, that taught the Nazis how to kill in, mass numbers, effectively. Has no mortality or pathology studies, peer reviewed work, no genetic markers, blood tests, MRIs CT or PET scans to validate the use of a single drug they use, to treat, social problems created by Fascists who don't make money

Chloë Ybarra    Bakersfield, CA    Now that's total bs these are kids with special needs here guys wtf going on there not fkn animals. hell these ANIMALS get treated better then these poor special needs kids do by far.

Chris Aikman        Like every parent of a newborn child, I thought my infant daughter was the most beautiful. And like every parent of a newborn, I was right. 
My daughter was born in 1977; she would be 40 years old if she were still alive today. Instead, she spent 32 and 1/2 of her 33 years on a continuous cocktail of powerful psychotropic medications that were intended to control her intractable seizures, and in the end she was killed by them.
Basically, I am now haunted by guilt that my daughter never really had a chance for anything like a normal life, because of the choices that were made for her. Choices made with the ‘best’ medical advice of the day, which I had never quite accepted as correct, but in the end largely complied with for lack of any clear alternative…

Chris  Biss     frenchgemini There is no one single person more dangerous in our society than a psychiatrist. You are correct

Chris Blagborough’s   tragedy is but one among thousands, a relentless stream of human riughts and humanitarian crimes and abuses spoanning decades. In seeking to identifying the Enemies of Humanity, psychiatry stands out as Public Enemy Number One… 

Chris Ellis    San jose, CA      Fairness over deceit.

Christine Hutchinson   Tualatin, OR      This not only is against established, empirical psychological best practices but also against the basic human dignity we afford humans everywhere

Christine Lanier Modern psychiatry has become a hotbed of corruption, particularly the kind that seeks to demonize and declare mentally ill anyone who deviates from what is regarded as the norm. This is abundantly evident in the latest installment of the industry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, which dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal as mentally insane…  
Christine Lanier
Garth Daniels is still being shocked by way of law... Not signed yet? 
Christine Lanier   Psychiatry adds even more trauma to traumatized people, medication adds brain damage to vulnerable people, the system as a whole adds even more precarity to people experiencing precarity, even more social isolation to marginalized people... Psychiatry is hell for people who are craving spirituality... Psychiatry destroys whole lifes and undermines the free will of people. It is a crime against humanity.

Christine Lydiksen    Stockholm, NJ    This is despicable!!! I can't believe this is happening in this day and age!!! They don't allow this done to terrorist prisoners yet it's being done to disabled children!!!! I find it horrendous and needs to be stopped immediately!!

Christine X      As the founder of the Everyday Psych Victims Project, I’ve been a psych victim myself multiple times. 
One of the most shocking abuses is the “legal” sexual assault I have experienced — twice with catheters — which felt like rape. No one seems to believe it’s possible to forcibly catheterize someone during an evaluation, but I’ve written about it online for 1 ½ years. I also reported it, but no health departments have ever substantiated any of my claims.   The experience felt violent and terrifying. I felt like I wanted to die due to their force and asked them to kill me, while screaming no. They ignored my pleas and desperate attempts to escape the situation by any means possible. I screamed that I felt like they were raping me. One of the women paused for a second but then continued anyways…     

Chuichupachichi     Even if mental illness truly existed, still, there exists no reason why it would kill the biological organism...even if the mentally ill person never came to be under the care of a physician.

Chukwu Haru They are trained to convey the emotions of the control freaks that ultimately engineer the culture

cindy prien    Moore, OK        It's inhumane. We don't want animals shocked why would we shock humans.

Claire Hellyer   Австралия       Medication ruined my life. It took from me my best years and turned them into a lifeless blur of suicidal thoughts, zero sense of self worth, self-harm and self-destructive behaviours to name a few things, all because the medication made me feel like a mindless zombie with no personality or intellect or emotions with nothing to offer anyone or the world. "Mood-stabilizers", "Neuroleptics" or "Anti-psychotics" felt like the equivalent of a chemical lobotomy to me, and I am not alone in this. There is also a great deal of evidence now that these medications can cause severe, permanent brain damage. I will never take psychiatric medications again for as long as I live. Nothing has harmed me more in my life than psychiatric "medication", from which I am still recovering.

Claudia Turturro Termini    Brooklyn    The drugs create Psychosis and brain damage and physically debilitating, horrendous direct effects!! Facts!!!

Claudia Voinea I think former psychiatrist Mark h powers cut invisible my fingers skin hands every day. I postpone to go superio court. I'm home I wont go mental evaluation again.I'm 41 years old but my hands look elder.
i feel my hand fingers bones change painful ugly shapes by former geriatric psychiatrist still haunt me?

Clorox Bleach   Chandler, AZ      they are helpless why do we torture them?

Clover  Smith    One morning, 12 drug years later, engulfed in sickness, I called the current psychiatrist and yelled, "What do psychiatrists think in their head? My mind is cured when my body is dead!" I slammed the phone down and never swallowed their pills again; I had taken the first step toward wellness."

Clyde  Wary      Mental illness" can be considered a condition that is prevalent in the general population, but which becomes a disorder when one experiences it to a degree such that in causes serious impairment to one's living.  Everyone feels anxiety, depression, paranoia, etc, from time to time.  The medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies have a big stake in identifying as many "sick" people as they can!  So just about anybody can be "diagnosed" as having such-and-such a disorder.

Cody Puniak Gibsonia, PA If I ever seen someone use a "shock device" on a special needs kid , I'd go crazy and probably kick some @$$.

CogitoErgoNumb    Psychiatry is an evil scam which has been the cause to immeasurable suffering to many (including me). Unfortunately so is scientology so I'd rather support one of the many unaffiliated Anti-psychotropic movements. and as well as the work of Laura Delano and Peter Breggin MD are a great start.

ConcernedCarer     The psychiatrist will say , seductively and rather insidiously “it’s frustrating for the patient to be encouraged to build their confidence and self esteem, because they will just feel that they are failing”. 
Instead, the answer is to accept your illness, your faulty brain chemistry, and let me treat it. In other words, it’s not just that you are failing, it’s that you have no hope of success without me. Empowering!
Quite the contrary. For what it’s worth, I have a feeling that exercising extreme independence and control, “doing really hard things yourself, unaided” is key.

Connie Schuster A certain well-known author and anti-psychiatry expert, with whom I am in agreement on most matters, is NOT correct in advising people to taper off EVERY drug they're on at once. My friend was trying to taper off Paxil, which has paralyzed her intestines. She had successfully reduced by one-quarter. Then she spoke with this author, who said she should be tapering off all the five or six drugs she was on at the time. My friend followed her instructions, and went back on the full dose of Paxil. As a result, she attempted suicide that night. Now, she's afraid to reduce the Paxil again, although it was not the reduction that caused the suicide attempt. It was the expert's advice to go back on the full dose. For good reduction instructions, see The Road Back website, with free instructions.

Connie Schuster    I have visited my wonderful friend Paul for the third weekend in a row at the residential site where he has been placed, after having been locked up for five years without trial on grounds of "incompetency" with no requirement that the prosecution produce evidence of his guilt on the minor charges. Now, he is in a house where everyone is heavily drugged, and where it is particularly obvious that the varying degrees of dementia among residents is CAUSED by psychiatric drugs. But the staff, from top to bottom, are completely unaware of this, because their minds are made up on the side their bread is buttered....and the so-called educational system has discouraged their ability to question things, including their own biases and assumptions.

Cool  Anime      i just got prescribed that shit

Corey Seigworth      Dobbins, California       Massachusetts school can continue using electric shocks on special needs students, judge rules…   

Corinna West Everybody says over and over again that it's important to talk to people with lived experience but none of the project leaders do it. Why not? What are the barriers? 

Cpitchill      How many people have been destroyed by these quacks?

Craig Lewis   Boston      My true friend was killed five days ago. 
He was a deeply honest man. In his last communication to me; he was helpful and selfless. I have few very people who truly make it known that they give a fuck about me. My brother Luc is a survivor of abuse and like many, was given pills to fix it. Pills don't heal abuse. Being able to talk about what happened to you, and help others heal by relating with you and feeling understood; that is healing. 
I have not cried yet. Today is powerfully impacted by the full moon and I am a Gemini. I look to the sky and I asked God for guidance and I know that I must commit an act of healing. 
I am protected via the spiritual truth that I have devoted my life to becoming. I cannot stay alive on this planet if my basic truth is not also understood and met with compassion…

Craig Leonard Batley    Claiming that she has wanted to die ever since childhood, a 24-year-old Belgian woman thinks that suicide is the only answer. This summer, she is getting help from her psychiatrist. The suicidal Belgian woman is about to receive, in her mind, the ultimate treatment for her psychological condition.
No, the psychiatrist isn't going to help the woman cope with the voices in her head and the traumatic experiences she may be dealing with.
No, the psychiatrist isn't going to help 
Learn more

Cris  Tuttie      I just see through and fight people that use people that are more vulnerable to be on the power, so I signed this cause this cannot happen anymore.

Cynthia Swanson   Vancouver, WA   I want these atrocities to stop. I am sickened and horrified as I read these examples of children andnsdukts being subjected to this sadistic practice. Please save these people from this agony and mistreatment.
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